
After Chu Xuan was arrested, Wang Ruyou called her lawyer and immediately followed the police cruiser. At the same moment two different women also got to know from Chu Xuan's voice that he was gonna get arrested so they also prepared and headed to the police station.

One of them was obviously Jiang Mu who immediately took off for the police station. The another women was not so surprisingly Su Qingyue who is getting affected by the dreams she has been having, every time after that dream which seems to incomplete makes her wake up with tear in her eyes and endless regret as if loosing something very important to her. When she got the news of Chu Xuan being arrested she immediately contacted her lawyer to create bail papers and meet her at the police station.

At the police station after Chu Xuan who was processed and sent to the jail to wait for trail, two cars came arrived one after another. The first to arrive was Wang Ruyou who immediately went towards the thugs hired by Chu Xuan.

"If any of you dare to testify against Chu Xuan you will see my wrath. And I don't to specify who I am right?" The gangsters who were instructed or more like threatened very well knew who and what kind of person Wang Ruyou was. She was known for her ruthlessness for nothing as she tortured whoever decided to go against her orders and no one even daring to question her for her actions after all she was the young lady of the Wang family. The Wang family was the overlord here on Yanjing's underworld for generations.

While she was removing any witness who can testify against Chu Xuan another car came from which Su Qingyue came out who directly went inside with her lawyer who arrived before her with papers ready.

This created quite a commotion at the police station as for many police officers, criminals present there this was thee first time they saw two goddess level beautiful women. Heck even if they saw one they could said to have seen truly something, but two at at same time one after another was too much for them. It was nothing compared to the scene when the two women purpose of coming here are known.

When Wang Ruyou saw Su Qingyue rage came from within her as she always resented her because inspite of meeting and having a relation with Chu Xuan first she came and took Chu Xuan away from her. Soon the anger subsided because of the inner voice she knows that Chu Xuan has no real affection for Su Qingyue he is just playing his part in the plot.

Still she couldn't completely remain calm as she asked her in a mocking tone, "So what is President Su doing here? Are you here to bail that trash of Lin Hao?"

Su Qingyue could hear her ridicule and call it women's intuition but she knew she resented her because of Chu Xuan and even if she maynot like him now she wanted to reply her back, "Ohh, Miss Wang may have got this wrong I am here for Chu Xuan. He does so many things for me at least I have to repay a bit of a favor."

Su Qingyue didn't come here for this reason but lately she has been having thoughts about Chu Xuan and even sometimes expectant of him to come meet and annoy like he always did in the past. She may not say it but she did start having some inexplicable feelings for him.

Wang Ruyou could clearly hear the ridicule in the last part of her sentence and got the meaning of her words, "Maybe Chu Xuan really doesn't like you and he is just acting." Su Qingyue knew this was true but could she accept it and accept her defeat infront of her rival, heck no, "Says the one who broke up with him."

"Youu" just as Wang Ruyou was gonna say something Bai Wanshi arrived and stopped them. She looked at both of them before asking, "Why are you fighting in station? if you wanna fight go and do it somewhere else." Both of the women stopped bickering clearly not wanting to offend her as she could halt the process of the bail. Seeing them calm down she questioned, "What are you guys here for with your lawyers?"

"We are here to bail Chu Xuan." Said both of them in unison as they presented the bail papers created by their lawyers.

"I didn't know my secretary was so good that two young ladies of top families came to bail him out." A third voice could be heard at this time. The source of the voice was a mature lady in a plain blue shirt and a black pencil skirt that made her even good looking than the other two women present.

The whole police station who was watching this silently became numb after hearing the third women come. Even the criminals who were making a ruckus earlier stopped to watch the two goddess fight. But when their purpose was heard it came as a shock to them. It was known in as of whole of the Yanjing the infatuation of Chu Xuan towards Su Qingyue.

Now seeing two women fighting over him, one of them being Su Qingyue who he actually followed like a dog and other being the head of the underworld there eyes were about to pop out. Before everyone ridiculed Chu Xuan for being a licking dog now how could they after seeing such a scene if not seeing with their own.

If being a licking dog and acting all infatuated with them could get these poor souls someone they will surely try it too. Chu Xuan now in their eyes now became an idol on how to pursue girls. No scratch that another one of them came and this time a mature beauty at that could even arouse the desires of a eunuch's so he must be supreme existence that could have three goddesses come to bail him out.

Finally Jiang Mu pacified all of them being the mature and eldest one there. She also quickly bailed Chu Xuan out to cause much of a commotion here.

That is why when Chu Xuan was leaving he could feel weird gazes of people, some with admiration, some with envy and jealousy and even some with bewilderment as if what did they actually see today.

Chu Xuan who got to know what happened was shocked to hear everything as he didn't expect anyone to come as no one did in his last life. Now after being out of the station he looked at Su Qingyue who was leaving as she has completed what she came for. She was a busy person and never wasted time on silly things. Even if she wanted to bail him out for some reason she could have done by just sending her lawyer instead of coming all the way herself.

Chu Xuan couldn't understand her at all as it was completely out of line with her character. Now he looked to the second person as he questioned her motive for coming and doing all this, "So what do you want from me by coming all the way to bail me out?"

Wang Ruyou just smiled at his question, "Simple, how could I let you suffer in jail. I will feel bad if that happens you know after all how much I love you." She simply stated as if saying something simple.

"You would be the first person who would want to see me rot in here. And for your confession, I only love Su Qingyue. As if I would believe in your words as if you did in mine." She knew she couldn't make him believe her this easily but she had already planned everything to make him believe her.

"Boss let's go" Chu Xuan said to Jiang Mu who was watching everything from the sides with deep interest.