You must be Evelyn

It had been a day since Lin Hao was sent to the hospital. He woke up the next morning fully covered in bandages and pain all over his body.

{Ahhh I am going kill that bitch Bai Wanshi and destroy all her family and friends.}

{When has the Dragon King been humiliated so much and being tortured by a woman on top of that.}

{Just you wait I'll make you scream under me like you made me after beating the hell out of me.}

Lin Hao couldn't speak so he could only vent his anger inside only when his phone rang on the side and he knew who could it be. Chu Xuan who was sleeping also woke up after hearing him curse. He couldn't understand what was he talking about. According to the plot he should be preparing to meet his so called junior brother.

"System sign-in for me"


[Sign-in successful. Congratulations to the host for getting 10 years of cultivation.]

The cultivation here in this novel world is not like cultivating immortals. It is a toned down urban version. People do absorb heaven and earth Qi by meditating or using herbs or other treasures. They could increase their lifespans but cannot be true immortals.

"System what happened to all the heroines? Wang Ruyou who couldn't even stand my presence now tells me she loves me, the aloof ice president, Su Qingyue comes to bail me out and why did this Bai Wanshi torture the protagonist right after meeting him?"

"They are not acting like they are supposed to."

[Host the plot is going accordingly its just that the world's will being dormant there has been some minor characteristics changes.]

[The host just needs to complete his parts.]

[The plot will correct itself automatically with some minor changes here and there.]

"Okay if you say so."

'I'll have to pay attention to what is happening.'

In the hospital Lin Hao with the help of hospital nurse managed to reach his phone as he dialed a certain number. The phone was picked by a mysterious woman who just walked out of the Yanjing International Airport and was heading towards the taxi stand.

Lin Hao: "You arrived at Yanjing?"

Woman: "Yes, Dragon King should I come and meet you directly."

Lin Hao: "No, don't. I am on a very important mission right now and cannot meet you."

Woman: "So my orders?"

Lin Hao: "There is a mission for you. The mission details will be sent to you."

Woman: "Dragon King what about my father's murderers details."

Lin Hao: "I am working on that it will take some more time. You know these people are not normal people. After you complete this mission I will tell provide you with whatever info I have."

Woman: "..."

Lin Hao: "Okay, you complete this mission I am working on something important too."

{Chee if she didn't look soo good and was the best in her work, I wouldn't have to wait so much to conquer her.}

{She is too smart I can't give her the details so easily, can I? hehehe}

{I am in this hospital now because of this waste second generation, Chu Xuan.}

{Wait until I annex the Chu group and step on you.}

The mission given to the mysterious woman was to go as a maid by Chu Xuan's side and collect information. There were two reasons for doing so, firstly according to previously investigated by Lin Hao's men the Chu family was somehow involved in his parents death. The Chu family had many things hidden and was not simple as it looked on the surface. Secondly he hated Chu Xuan for some reason and wanted to humiliate him for always blocking his way.

The day went by and the next morning the doorbell of manor where Chu Xuan lived rang. Chu Xuan opened the door. Outside the door a non-native woman could be seen. She had blonde hair and green eyes. She had a perfect figure as if she had no body fat but still having big and firm breasts and a plump ass.

"And who might you be miss?" Chu Xuan asked even after perfectly knowing who she was.

"Um I was referred here by Mr. Xin to work as a maid here." The woman looked at Chu Xuan and thought, 'So he is Chu Xuan.'

"You must be Evelyn then. Its nice to meet you. As you can already guess I am Chu Xuan the owner of this mansion. Let me take you around the house so you can get familiarized by it." Chu Xuan then took her for a thorough house tour even as far as going showing where the safe was and telling her the security passwords of the house.

The woman or Evelyn was puzzled by all this and thought of him as a naïve fool but that thought didn't last long. She then asked a very important question that was bugging her for a while, "Sir where are the other staff? I cannot see anyone else here."

Chu Xuan turned towards her and then smiled. The smiled may look harmless but Evelyn suddenly got chills looking at it as if the devil had marked her.

"Ohh I forgot to tell you I fired all the other staff as they were not good. So when will you start working from? And take this."

"huh fired? So I will be working alone. And what is this for sir?" Evelyn asked in in bewilderment after hearing him and knew something was wrong here.

"This is your uniform I bought it myself. If you don't like I have it in other colors and designs. And call me young master instead of sir."

Evelyn then looked at the clothes which Chu Xuan gave her and it was a black and white maid costume which looked to be a bit shorter on the skirt and tight for her chest region.

Seeing her look at the clothes in a weird way Chu Xuan budged in, "Don't worry they are in your size."

Evelyn wanted to scream, 'how do you even know my size?' but she reframed from it and after some talk she went to her assigned room in the manor. As soon as she left she heard a voice in her head that shocked her to the core as she broke out in cold sweat.

[Azalea, code name for the 3rd ranking assassin on the assassin list on dark net.]

[Azalea known by her various aliases such as shadow, queen of darkness or Evelyn now.]

[No one knows her real name even our protagonist for now other than me of course.]