Chapter Eighteen

"What are you doing here, Elsa?" Vanessa asked, her eyes darkening. "You know, usually when people want to visit people they don't live with, they call or they leave a message. They don't just barge in on them."

"But I did call you, sister," Elsa shot back at her. "I called but you wouldn't take my calls obviously because you're the busiest person in the world," She paused to catch her breath and continued. "In any case, I'm here now, so what's the fuss about?"

Vanessa stood motionless and stared at her sister with an incredulous look on her face. Her guts had taken her by surprise.

"Well, if you called and I didn't pick up your calls, that is an answer on its own, a very valid one at that. You're not welcome here, Elsa. So, pick yourself up and leave, now!"

At that moment, the butler who was still standing by a nearby porch awaiting any new orders from his mistress coughed nervously.

Vanessa turned to look at him. "What is it?"