Chapter Seventy-Eight

"Rachel!" Isabella called aloud. "I__I didn't think you'd still be up."

Detective Cooper gave a small smile. "You're back home late. Want to tell me what you've been up to at work that is making you return this late?"

Isabella slammed the door behind her and walked inside the sitting room. She collapsed on the sofa and exhaled a tired sigh. 

"I had too much to do at work today. I'm so famished."

"Really?" Her sister said, eying her. "You seem to have been on the same project at work for a while now. It explains why you've been coming home late for over a week now."

"Huh?" Isabella said, sitting up. "You've been watching my movements?"

Detective Cooper evaded the question. "Have you had the time to go to the hospital? To, you know, get me your medical report?"

Isabella stiffened. The calm look on her face disappeared and was replaced by a sudden uneasy look.