Chapter Eighty-Five

"What?!" Isabella yelled. She reeled back in shock. Her eyes kindled with anger. "You want us to discard him again like some failed lab experiment? You cannot be serious, are you?"

Dr. Tyler Sanchez looked indifferent. He was standing by the rack that held the small test tubes that he'd been using to work earlier on. He was removing his gloves and placing them carelessly on the rack. As he did so, his hand mistakenly hit one of the test tubes and it fell to the tiled floor. 

Tiny shreds of glass scattered all around the place. He used his feet to gather them together. Then, he began to walk away to a safer spot. 

Isabella was looking at him, watching him intently, expecting some sort of response from him. He gave her none. He had the indifferent look that someone who had just killed an animal had when a child reprimanded them about their actions in ignorance.