Happiness is simple. Finding the eyelashes fall down the cheeks. Ah, that's too simple. But here's one on the left cheek, one on the right cheek, and a couple on the nose this afternoon. Complete already. It is said that if an eyelash falls, it is a sign that someone is missing. If it is more than three times a day, does that mean someone really really misses?

Last night was beautiful, dear. I thought you were gone for a long time. It turns out you left for a while. I sat on the terrace as usual. Towards maghrib waiting for the time to break the fast. When I realized suddenly your car was parked again at the other end.

I'll wait one minute, two minutes, five minutes. Where are you? Did you come down the front door? Curious I went to your car. To see if you were still there.

And I was caught red-handed. You were watching me walk near pretending to pass. It turns out that you intentionally accompanied me in this courtyard a long time ago. Sitting in the car before maghrib on a sad but seductive twilight.

Thank you dear for something beautiful

A very memorable evening.

Remember that Pamungkas was having a monologue in the next room...


Gelap, di dalam tanya

Menyembunyikan rahasianya

Letih kehabisan kata

Dan kita pada akhirnya diam

Bunga, di bulan sepi

Jatuh terdampar


Alasan masih bersama

Bukan karena terlanjur lama

Tapi rasanya yang masih sama

Seperti sejak pertama jumpa

Dirimu di kala senja

Duduk berdua tanpa suara

Rindu yang jatuh di kamarku

Hanyalah rindu yang datang padamu

Bertanya mengapa kita

Masih di sini tersenyum


Alasan masih bersama

Bukan karena terlanjur lama

Tapi rasanya yang masih sama

Seperti sejak pertama jumpa

Dirimu di kala senja

Duduk berdua tanpa suara

(Dark, in the question

Hiding the secret

Tired of running out of words

And we are silent in the end

Flowers, in the lonely moon

Falling stranded


The reason is still together

Not because it's been a long time

But the feeling is still the same

Like from the first time we met

You at dusk

Sitting alone without a sound

The miss that fell in my room

Only longing comes to you

Asking why we

Still here, smiling



The big disadvantage is, if I sit on the sofa all day, once I enter the room for a moment, you pass by. It's like fasting without breaking the fast.


Happiness is simple when I see you closing the gate of the parking lot in your white uniform while looking far away to the terrace where I used to sit, after dawn. I could tell by the look in your eyes that you were saying goodbye to me.

Or when you turned on the headlights of your car so brightly that it illuminated the entire parking lot, the light breaking through the slightly open window and illuminating my dark room. I know that's how you greet me before you leave when you don't see me outside.

Happiness is simple, listening to the voice of the Tokek* who answers the question, do you miss me.

Tokek... Sorry I'm Sleeping

Tokek... Missing

Tokek ...Sleeping

Tokek... Missing

Tokek... Sleeping

Tokek ... Missing

Tokek ... Sleeping


.....Are you sleeping? Hey. Wake up, guys! Someone is missing.



The gecko sounded once again, confirming that you were missed.


Happy Birthday, Pancasila*

What a beautiful day, how happy to hear the sound of a gecko that missed.

Sleep well tonight, honey. After seeing you for a while. I was here sitting, watching you pass in front of me calmly, and you look at me sitting alone in the usual place, passing by without words, can make our sleep soundly. Ah, funny yes we are, how can it be?


Hira closed his Journal application. It was a Real-Time story written at a time when she experienced the feeling. Now and then, Hira would open it for entertainment.


*) Tokek, gecko

*) Pancasila is the ideological pillar of the Indonesian state. The name consists of two Sanskrit words: "pañca" meaning five, and "śīla" meaning principle or principle. Pancasila is the formulation and guideline for the life of the nation and state for all Indonesian people.