Chapter 29 : Atë

Ares looked at the small pill that was sitting in the palm of his hand closely. Why would that goodie two shoes Satyr need these pills for?

"What do you think it is?" One of Ares' little minions asked. "That satyr looked pretty jumpy when he dropped these little pills on the floor, when he was with your girl boss, do you think he's on drugs or something?"

Ares wrapped the pill in the palm of his hand before shoving it into his pocket. "What this is boys," The god spoke menacingly. " is our ticket to kicking that good for nothing satyr out of Persephone's life for good." He pulled out his phone and dialed in a number. "I know exactly who can tell us what these pills are for, and if that satyr was as frantic about hiding them as you claim he was, chances are it's some hard core illegal stuff."

An icy female voice answered at the other end of the line making Ares smile, he didn't think Atë would pick his call after what had happened last time.

'Ares?' Atë spoke with a sigh, 'what kind of trouble if you've gotten yourself into this time? Whatever the cops have against you, it has nothing to do with me, I stopped supplying you gods with my goods a long time ago.'

"Hello to you too Atë, it's good to hear from you again."

'I have no time for your chitchat Ares, what is it you want?'

"Oh come on Atë," Ares tried to coax the goddess, "you know when it comes to expertise in mischief there is no one who holds a candle to you."

Atë was a pale skinned, dark haired goddess with hooded brown eyes and a frail figure. She was the goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, rash actions, reckless impulse, and folly. Anywhere where bad decisions in the mortal realm where being made, she'd be there… anywhere where some human was making the worst decision of their life, she'd be there.. and anywhere where the gods needed a few illegal drugs and outlawed booze, she would be there.

At one point, as a matter of fact, Atë and Eris where the best of friends and practically inseparable, until an incident that almost got Eris disowned, Ares sent to a military school, and Atë arrested. It was after that incident that a wedge was draw between the three beings.

"I just need you to identify something for me," Ares spoke. "Just for investigative purposes and nothing else."

'Is it a drug?' The goddess asked.

"Well yes, but-"

'Not interested," Atë responded flatly.

"Come on Atë, I'll pay you," Ares coaxed the woman. "Name your price and it's yours." He knew Atë well, she was never one to say no to money.

The goddess of mischief was thoughtful for a minute, before releasing a long sigh. "Alright fine." Atë responded. 'send your little pill over, and I'll have a look at it.'

"I knew I could count on you Atë, I owe you one."

'You most definitely do Ares, after the stunt you pulled last time, this is not going to be cheap!'

"I expected as much," Ares responded. "Alright then, I'll have it sent to you immediately."

The god cut the call and leaned back on his arm chair while smiling mischievously at his minions, this would teach that satyr and everyone else, that he was not a being to be crossed.


When Persephone walked into class the next morning, she couldn't help but notice that people were staring at her. Sure, she did get the occasional glances everyday, but today it was a little over the top.

The red haired goddess walked to her seat quickly while trying her best to hide her face with her voluminous hair. The minute she took a seat, about a dozen females encircled her seat, their faces all beaming with curiosity.

"Hi Persephone," one of the girls spoke, she was a tall blonde faun with big brown eyes. "Your name is Persephone right?"

"Umm, yeah that's me," the goddess responded with a nervous chuckle. "Can I help you with anything?"

"Well me and the other girls were talking," the girl continued. "And we were wondering, I mean not to intrude or anything-"

Another girl shoved the faun who was speaking to Persephone aside and slammed her hand on the table. "Oh come on Alexandra get to the point!" This one was a nymph, she pulled out her phone and practically shoved it in Persephone's face. "Come on girl tell us the deets, you are totally banging the hot professor Tekos aren't you?"

"What?!" Persephone grabbed the phone and looked at the picture of her and Tekos. It was the one he had taken when they were at Neda falls.

"The professor uploaded that picture on his personal facepage," another girl spoke excitedly. She was a goddess with pink flowy hair and matching pink eyes. "That totally screams we are def banging."

"Facepage?" Persephone mumbled, "like on the internet?"

"Duh," another goddess commented. "Girl don't play dumb. You've gotta let us know how you did it, cause I want a piece of that satyr ass too.."

"Is his dong as big as I've always dreamt it is..?" The pink goddess cooed while leaning towards Persephone's face.

"Oh! Is he rough or gentle?…" another female asked with a chuckle.

"Girl spill! You can't spend a night with a man like that and not share!"

Persephone was feeling a little overwhelmed, she hadn't even done anything with Tekos, let alone sleep with him, they were just friends.

"Nothing happened between us," Persephone responded nervously. "He was just showing me around town, I promise."

The blonde faun leaned forward and gave Persephone a sly smile, "don't think we don't notice how he looks at you during class girl, you're holding out on us.."

"I'm not…" Persephone mumbled. Being surrounded by a dozen females all talking at the same time was starting to make her feel dizzy. She had to leave this situation immediately!

"Can we all take our seats please!"

The horde of thirsty females turned towards who was talking, and practically swooned at the sight of Tekos who was standing in front of the class.

"I don't want to repeat myself ladies," Tekos spoke. "The bell went off ten minutes ago, I'd appreciate it if you settled down."

"Yes Mr Tekos sir…" the girls responded dreamily before walking back to their seats.

Tekos then threw his gaze at the red haired goddess who was practically hyperventilating, and gave her a sweet smile. "Good morning Persephone."

"Good morning…" Persephone responded in a whisper. Why had he only greeted her? Tekos really wasn't making things any easier for her.


Hades had his head leaning on his hands and his eyes fixated on his phone even though he was supposed to be working. The second his phone lit up, the crimson eyed god practically dove across the table, grabbed it, and placed it on his ear.

With a quick clearing of his throat, he spoke into the the receiver. "You've reached Hades…"

'Boss? You never answer your phone so quickly,' Thanatos spoke on the other end of the line. 'Anyway I have the reports for-'

The god cut the line and tossed the phone back on the table, this was the tenth call he was getting and none were from Persephone. Had he made a mistake and given her the wrong business card? No that couldn't be, he only had one card. If anything, if she couldn't reach him via cell, all she had to do was stomp her foot on the ground three times, it was written on the card in fine print, she couldn't miss it.

Hades leaned back on his chair and sighed, maybe Persephone just didn't feel the need to call him. He did tell her to call if she happened to fall ill again, maybe she hadn't fallen ill. Maybe he should call her instead, just to check up on her, I mean it was her lunch break after all.

But damn it, he didn't get her number!


'Yes lord Hades, how may I be of assistance to you'

"Is it possible to find a personal contact number for Persephone?" Hades asked in a sheepish tone. He felt a little ridiculous prowling the internet for Persephone's number, but she really left him no choice. Besides, what kind of gentleman would he be if he didn't make sure she had recovered fully?

'As a matter of fact lord Hades, I took the liberty of gathering all the available information that I could on the goddess Persephone.."

Hades' face lit up. He had to remember to thank his nephew for this brilliant invention.

'But unfortunately, I could not find a phone number registered under her name anywhere in the three realms.' Pixie added on, much to the blue god's dismay. 'It would seem that she does not own a personal cellphone.'

Of course! That was the only explanation why Persephone had not contacted him yet! Well, at least that's what Hades hoped.

"Cancel my afternoon plans pixie," Hades declared as he grabbed his wallet and keys.

'But my lord, you have a two thirty with Zues.'

"Call in sick, I have a few errands that I need to run."