Chapter 45 : Keep your eyes closed

The light of a little lamp dramatically flicked on making Hera gasp as she closed the door. She turned around and sighed when she saw Zeus sitting on an arm chair with his arms crossed over his chest.

"And where have you been?" Zeus asked the goddess as she locked the door of their apartment

"Are we really going to do this Zeus? How long have you been sitting there waiting to pull this little stunt off?"

The god got up from his seat and walked towards his wife, an agitated look on his face. "Don't try to change the subject Hera, where have you been all this time? Sneaking around, making private calls and private arrangements!"

Hera's eyes widened slightly, had Zeus found out about her and Helios? No it couldn't be, their relationship was very discreet, and she had made sure to erase and hide all evidence of it.