A Few Days Later

A few days have passed and my relationship with Ame grew. We weren't on the level of being lovers yet, but we'll get there eventually. Still, we did all of this away from everyone. We can't let anyone know about our relationship, save for Melania whom I've told it already a few days prior.

Not only that, tomorrow is also the start of the Battle Simulation. Due to that, we didn't have any classes today. We still needed to go to school though for some reason.

While thinking of ways that I could train Ame, Aster went over to my seat and said something that made me sweat a little.

"Hey, did you hear? Amelia was supposedly engaged a few days ago."

All my thoughts halted and I looked at Aster with widened eyes. "Where did you hear that?" I asked, trying my best not to stutter.

"It's been a rumor for a few days now."

"Who spread it?"

"Klein. He said that his father told him of it."


Of course it's that bastard. If I'm going to be completely honest, I forgot that he even existed. That's just how insignificant he is in my eyes. Still, if he can get information that others couldn't, he might be a bigger threat than I thought. I need to keep an eye on this dude.

After that small interaction with Aster, he went back to his seat. I instinctively looked towards Ame and saw her looking at me as well. She gestured to me to meet her outside and I nodded. She's heard about it as well then.

I began to ponder again on what I could teach Ame for this upcoming battle simulation. Since we're going to battle in pairs, I need to teach Ame something that she can use even if she has a partner.

…But that's my problem, there isn't anything like that.

I was thinking of teaching her a multi shot move, but then I remembered that no one else has the same ability as me. Ame can't just make arrows out of air… Wait no, she can do that, but that's thanks to her bow. If she was disarmed, she can't do that much like how I can.

Haah, since I already made up my mind about not holding my abilities back, I could make something for her.


"So, have you heard about it?" Ame asked, looking up at me while she sat on my lap. She only started doing this yesterday to get more lovey-dovey just for the sake of being lovey dovey, but she already got used to it somehow.

"Yep, Aster told me about it. Should we do something?" I said as I looked down on her. At the moment, we were both on the rooftop since it was lunch time. Yes, we already finished eating.

"I would say yes, but if we did something, then he would suspect you. That's why it's not we, it's just me. And even with that, I'd rather not." Ame said as she now rested her head on my chest. It's surprising that I'm already used to it too. Maybe that's because I've been sleeping with Mela for months.

… No, not like that.

"Why not?"

"It'll be a hassle and I'm sure that his father knew about it because either mother or father talked about it."

"That sounds plausible, but we never know."

We just stayed in that position for a while, enjoying each other's company. We've gotten used to silence like this, it wasn't awkward or anything, it was just peaceful. I broke that silence though since I needed to talk to Ame about something.

"Hey, I wanted to give you something."

"Hm? Wha- Hey what are you doing!?" Ame yelled in surprise as I started to make a bracelet on her hand.

"A gift, but please don't disturb me for a bit. I need to focus on this."

Ame just followed my request and stayed silent after that. I'm grateful for that. I continued on what I was making and did everything I could to not mess it up. Making accessories is harder than making weapons for me. Not to mention because this accessory is meant to help Ame create multiple arrows at once.

"And… Done!" I said with a smile.

Ame looked at me and then the bracelet. She stood up from my lap and stretched out her arm. I guess she already knew what it was for. That's my girl.

She narrowed her eyes and soon after, multiple arrows appeared that floated around her extended arm. They started as red, which is the same color as her bracelet, then slowly turned to green. Good, it works just as intended.

"It still depends on your aim by the way. I didn't make homing arrows." I could have made those, but that would take me a lot of focus and frankly, that would feel like cheating. I wanted to help her, but that doesn't mean I'll do it to the extent where she doesn't need to do anything.

"I'm glad you didn't. With this, I should be able to train my aim more." She turned and looked at me with a radiant smile. "Thank you."

That smile just made my day even better. I smiled back and began to think about my situation now. I would be just fine if I was alone in the test, but that's not an option. Using my guns is also an option, but that also limits my combat capabilities. Well, if push comes to shove, I'll just punch the enemies.

After around 10 minutes or so, the bell rang. We both headed back toward our classroom and saw that everyone was still going on and about their business. Well, we didn't have any classes so I guess they're making the most of it.

"Hey, Hikari." Aster said as he walked towards me. "Mind if we talked for a bit?"

"Uh.. sure."

Aster smiled as he went outside the classroom. Ame looked at me and nodded. I nodded back and then followed Aster. When we turned the corner, Aster stopped and looked at me seriously.

"You know, you two should really keep a low profile."

I was confused at first, but then I quickly caught on when he smiled. Of course he found out. It was quite easy honestly. I won't even be surprised if Viola already knew about it.

"Since when did you know?"

"Just now. I pieced it all together."


"Eh, so you gonna do anything about the rumors? I mean, it's about your lover after all."

"Nah, we decided to do nothing about it. It isn't bringing us harm anyways."

"Fair. Let's go back?"

I nodded and we both headed back to our chaotic classroom. I was quite surprised though when I heard someone talking about how they'll make due in the battle simulation. At least some people are thinking about it.