Quickly Bored

Going home wouldn't have been a problem normally. However, due to the whole Battle Simulation, it seems that some agents from Veritas that were sent to find me. How did I know that was the case? Firstly, some outsiders are allowed in the school(I need to talk with Mela about that) and secondly, they keep mentioning "Subject 1003 has been found".

"Please surrender, Subject 1003."

"H-Hikari… What's happening!?" Asked Ame as she looked around us in panic.

"Silence," One of the agents said as he shot at Ame. In just a split second, Ame was gone from where she was previously and was now in my arms.

"Something that you shouldn't have seen." I said as I clicked my tongue. This is just outside the gate so I can't make too much of a show. That only leaves me with one option. "Hold on to me."


Without even letting her finish, I picked Ame up and sprinted out of there. Of course, losing them would be a lot harder. I guess they made super soldiers too. I can't really be surprised.

"Haah…" I just sighed as I sped up even more, arriving at my apartment in just 10 seconds. They should be here in half a minute. I don't want that though, so I'm just going to intercept them.

Maybe I could let loose a bit now? After all, they pissed me off.

"Wait!" I was just about to leave when Ame suddenly grabbed my arm. That was dangerous, good thing I haven't accelerated yet. If I did, her arm would have been cut off from her body. "What are you going to do with them?"

"Probably just hit them hard enough to make them faint." That's a lie. I would probably accidentally hit them so hard that their heads would split in half. I'm not going to say that to her though.

"Fine, just come back to me safely, okay?"


With that, I zoomed out of there.

-x-3rd person POV-x-

The seven agents almost jumped in surprise as their target appeared before them in a red flash. Accompanying that red flash was sparks of blood red electricity. They knew that the four subjects were superhuman, but not even the Berserker can match this speed.

Of course, Hikari doesn't know of this.

"Let's take this somewhere else, don't we?"

In an instant, all seven of them fainted while our "hero" seemingly didn't even move an inch. That would have been the case if not for his arm now being raised in front of him, as if he just finished a chop.

Creating chains using his Celest, he took the seven agents miles away from the city within a few minutes. Little did he know that each and every one of his actions causes him to adapt. Due to this, his speed increased by the second as he ran.

As he arrived at an opening, he threw the seven agents to the ground, waking them up in the process. It was surprising that they didn't wake up during that whole run.

"I pity you all. I would have just made you all faint and left you here, but you all really pissed me off."

Taking out his two guns, Ignis and Tempest, he took a stance and taunted the agents. "Well, let's just see how much of a failure you all are."

The taunt worked as the agents quickly lost their cool and went in for an attack.That proved Hikari's point. They were clearly failures. For super soldiers, easily losing their cool just means immediate death… And that's what they'll get.

In one quick gesture, Hikari's right foot made contact with the head of a bulky agent. Shattering of bones can be heard and a few moments later, the head of the agent flew cleanly off his body.

"That was quite soft."

Even with their comrade being killed in cold blood in front of them, the other six agents still went in for the attack. Twisting his body, Hikari dodged the blades that were directed at his back. He jumped back a few feets away and shot at the agents only for them to dodge it at blinding speeds.

"As expected, you may all be incompetent, but you still have abilities that surpass the norm."

Since they can just dodge his precise bullets, he'll just have to go and use his fighting style. He could have just used [Celestial Chains] but that's not fun now, is it? He still needs to watch out for their speed though. Not to mention, they might also have some hidden cards that they'll use at some point.

With that in mind, Hikari dashed to one of the agents that was holding a gun and went in for a stab using Ignis. To his surprise, the gun of the Veritas agent changed in shape and turned into a sword.

'Nanotech, huh?'

The agent parried Hikari's gun and tried to go for a slash. Hikari blocked this attempt using Tempest and jumped up to avoid an energy bullet that came from the side. Using Hikari's jump to their advantage, they began to rain bullets on him, only for Hikari to create a barrier to block all of their attacks.

When their guns overheated and stopped shooting, Hikari took his chance and fired his own barrage. Unlike the guns of the agents, his guns avoid overheating much longer and have higher fire power. Not to mention the Weapon Skills his guns have. Still, the agents used their nanotech equipment to make a shield.

He didn't let up on his bullet hell even when he landed on the ground and once he did, he rushed to the nearest agent and stabbed them on the abdomen as soon as their nanotech shield. The agent didn't even have time to react as Hikari used the same speed he was using when he was running away from them earlier.

To make sure the agent was never going to ruin anything again, Hikari shot a [Smite] bullet while Tempest was still stabbing the agent on the abdomen. It was an instant death, as if the agent just got deleted from existence in a split second.

"Alright, enough of this already. I wanna hang out with my fiancé."

It was no surprise that Hikari quickly got bored as his enemies weren't even near his level of power. Little did he know, he was just adapting and getting stronger far too quickly.

With a sigh, Hikari darted all over the place, killing all of the agents in just a few seconds. Superspeed is a broken ability, and Hikari is sure as hell going to abuse it.