They always said that for a person to be the way they were something might have triggered them to be who they were.

Most of the things are things that happened to them when they were still children. I believe that even if we don't choose our family we are often bonded together by the people that we share blood with.

Your family can both be your strength or your weakness. When growing up the only person that I had by my side was my brother and sister.

They were the only people that I knew no matter what happened they would risk it all for me and I would do the same for them.

That was the most dangerous thing with family. Because no matter how bad a thing they did you were supposed to be there for them because if roles were reversed they would do the same for you.

Edmund and Katelyn were not good people but I loved them the way they were. They had done bad things that other people would never forgive them for doing but I understood why they did it on lost occasions.

In all the years that I had lived, I had been with them everywhere they went and if one of us was attacked we all fought back.

It did not matter the consequences as long as they were fine, that is what love was.

Our father had not been a good man and I think everyone ready knew about that. He wanted to mold us into the monsters that he thought we should be.

Sometimes I always wondered what life would have been if we had not grown up with him. Maybe we would have been different. But we were who we were and nothing would change that.

There were days when I would not sleep because I kept dreaming about my mother. I had never told Katelyn and Edmund the truth about her.

I had been there the night that she went away. The night our father had told her to go and never come back. A part of my heart had thought that maybe she would miss us and come back.

She never did come back for us. I guess for the first time she decided to put herself first.

From the look of how our parents were, you would see why we turned out the way we were. Bodies spread across states of people that we had killed.

Some of them deserved it but some of them did not just that was not important. The hatred had consumed all of us to the point that we did not see the logic.

I had raised my brother and sister so I always knew that they depended on me no matter what it was. Was it overwhelming sometimes?

Yes, there were sometimes that I wished I didn't care that much about them. Every time I cared about them and did something to protect either of them we always ended up in trouble.

It's like all they didn't was attract trouble.

Everywhere we had stayed before we always started nicely with no trouble but slowly we all did the same mistakes we had done before.

The things that we were trying so hard to run away from until at the end of the day I realized were running away from ourselves.

You couldn't escape yourself. We had done it over and over again but it was like a loop where we were stuck and the same things kept repeating themselves.

I did not know how to depend on anybody but myself. Maybe it was because the little boy in me also didn't have anyone looking out for him but either way I was all I needed.

Nightdale was our home and we were going to stay there It was our ancestral home. We were the hybrids. We were supposed to rule not sit down and be ruled.

As I passed from the kitchen to my room I had chatter and I wondered who was cooking. It was a rare occurrence let's even say it was not something that ever happened.

I entered the kitchen and Katelyn was in there giggling with some girl as they cooked. I had never heard her laugh that much before.

The smile on her face was real and not forced and I wanted her to be like that forever. She had gone through too much I just wanted her to be happy.

This was the kind of night we were supposed to have but somehow everyone always had something to do. We had not sat down as a family since we had moved to Nightdale to the point where it loomed like we were more of roommates than a family.

That sensed my arrival and they all turned to look at m.

"Hi ", I said greeting them.

"Hi ", the girl that was beside Katelyn replied the smile on her face not leaving. Her voice was like music to my ears. I could listen to her talk all night without getting tired.

She looked young probably in her mid-twenties. The light accentuated her features as we stood just below it.

Her kids were plump and loomed a little kind of pouty. She had an asymmetrical face and a button nose which sat perfectly in the middle of her face.

Her eyes had a very unique shape that I had never seen before.

"Erin this is my brother Elijah Elijah this is Erin my new friend ", said Katelyn her face booming. She was so excited to tell me that she had gotten a friend.

She never made friends with people so I wondered what was so special about this Erin girl. She was always scared that if they found out who she was they would leave her.

Maybe she had started to live life and forget what people were going to think about her.

"Nice to meet you Elijah "_said Erin as my name rolled out of her tongue it was the only thing I wanted to hear her say.