Edmund could not understand why his siblings were behaving the way that they were. All he ever tried to do was have an empire.

Be the king and be the ruler which he had assumed that all of them wanted. He thought of all the bad things he had done and he knew he was not a good person but that did not make Katelyn and Elijah good people.

They had done terrible things too. Killed people for their gain.

Katelyn had slaughtered a whole village after he had killed one of her boyfriends and he did not understand why she didn't think of that as she continued to point fingers.

He didn't stop for a moment to wonder why she had turned out to be that way. Maybe he was the reason that she was acting like that.

That the only possible solution was to kill people so that she would feel okay but she didn't because even if she killed a thousand people they would never make up for the pain that her brother had caused her.

All he wanted was to kill Edmund so that she would have peace but she was not that person. Yet every time he did something wrong she always wondered why she had never killed him.

He was no good to anyone. He was just trouble. Hurt her over and over again without thinking of the consequences of his actions.

He could not be stopped though, he was way over his head and did not believe that he was the bad person Katelyn was making him out to be.

Even after wondering where the golden dagger was so that he could get a little silence from his sister he still didn't think he was a bad person or not a good brother.

Somewhere up in his messed-up brain he always thought that someone was out to get him. So if no one came forward and said it was them the only thing he could do was kill them all.

The only solution that he ever had was to kill but then again what he never realized was that not everyone feared death.

Why would someone ever attack Edmund Watson if he had anything to lose?

The worst he could do was kill them so they were always prepared and he was never late in giving them what they were asking for.

He had tried so hard to be the leader that he thought people wanted but no one liked him. It was like they all just respected him because he was the one protecting them.

They did not need his protection though, no one was going to attack them if they did not attack first.

"Brother, I needed some insight on some matters would you care to assist me ?", he asked Elijah.

"Yes sure what it is about ?", Elijah asked him as he sat upright to hear what was bothering his brother.

"I don't think the people like me that much ", said Edmund as let out a frustrated sigh.

"Wasn't that obvious?", asked Elijah.

He could never understand why his brother wanted to be liked so much. He had everything he wanted except the love of the people.

He did not have loyalty, being loyal to his brother was like signing your death wish.

Edmund wondered how Peter had managed to make the people like him when he did not offer anything to them.

"It's not funny, what do you think I should do so that they can like me ?", Edmund asked Elijah.

"I don't know what you can do, they just don't like you because you are a horrible person there is nothing to it ", said Elijah laughing.

"Okay how about this, I put up competitions whereby they compete over something and the winner gets the daylight rings. ", he said smiling at Elijah.

If there was one thing the vampires wanted was the daylight rings. They wanted to walk out and as the sun hit their skin without them burning into ash in an instant.

"That might be an excellent idea. If you have something that they want they will be at your feet so that they can get it.

Not everyone can get it so people will want to be on your good side and that is how you will know who is loyal to you and who is not "_said, Elijah.

"I know am a genius. We also need to have festivals, they have been abandoned for a long time and made to feel like the inferior ones well not anymore", said Edmund smirking.

Someone would have thought that Edmund cared about his people. That he was doing all that so that they could enjoy half the things that he had.

To him, it was all about power. He wanted to be the best leader, and he started to stand out from everyone before him, and what better way than to use the thing that everyone wanted.

There was no life without power and he could not understand how his brother didn't think like him. He had once thought that they were the same person but he was much more of a monster than his brother was.

"What else do you want to have them do ?", Elijah asked him.

"Nothing much really but they all have families so it wouldn't hurt anyone if their best men guarded the areas they lived just in case the enemies come knocking", said Edmund smirking.

"Who is the enemy in this, I doubt that Mateo will come knocking after the last thing he pulled ", said Elijah.

"No, we have bigger problems than Mateo. Peter is still out there and I can feel it in my bones that he is planning something so I have to be ready with whatever he strikes me with ", said Edmund.

They had not stayed there for long and he already had enemies in each corner. He didn't know how to keep the peace, did he?

Well, there is nothing he fancied than going face to face with enemies. He was not scared of Peter or anyone for that matter.

He wanted them to attack so he could remind them that he was the king.