Katelyn catcher her breath as she followed Mateo.

"So what are we doing today and what is my work ?", she asked him.

"There is a virus that broke, we are not sure what it is yet. But it does back to some experiments some scientist was doing ", he said as he took in a deep breath.

"A patient came in like three days ago and he had blisters all over him. We admitted him and we thought that maybe it was a reaction to some he ate but after questioning him he said that he hadn't taken anything he was not supposed to," he said as he looked back at Katelyn.

"Okay, so what was the reason for the reaction?"Katelyn asked him.

"We do t k ow at it is yet because the kept getting worse and worse. Reactions to good don't work like that. His body is covered in blisters it's disgust g just to look at him ", he said as his face changed as if he was picturing the state of the patient in his head.

"Can I see him ?", she asked him.

"Yes that is where we are heading "_he said as they entered a place that was written only for authorized personnel.

"Am with her ", he said to the guard who had stood up to stop Katelyn.

They entered a room where there were a lot of suits and Mateo took one and started dressing.

"You have to wear this suit we are not sure if the disease is airborne ", he said to Katelyn as he realized she was looking a little confused.

"Oh okay ", she said as she started dressing up.

After finishing dressed up he led her to a place that was completely sealed and entered.

When he had said that the patio was covered in blisters the whole body the sight in front of was not something that she had expected.

The blisters on the man's body were big not blisters that you would normally get because of a food reaction. His legs and hands were covered in bandages she imagined that they had covered him so that he would start touching himself.

He was unconscious given the fact that he was silent as his wounds were being cleaned.

"How is the patient doing today ?"Mateo asked one of the doctors who was being the patient's file.

"He is okay, his fever strikes up in the morning but we managed to stabilize him ", the other doctor said.

"Have you come up with anything that would help ?", asked Mateo.

"Sadly no everything that we try does t seem to work it's like the things causing this reaction on him can resist any medicine that we use on him ", the doctor said.

"Okay inform me when you find out anything ", said Mateo as he left and told Katelyn to follow him.

"Doesn't it hurt when they clean the wounds ?", she asked the moment they were outside.

"It does but they have him u der anesthesia so he won't feel a thing ", he said.

"I have never seen anything like that before ", said Katelyn.

"Same as us we were shocked when he came in and the worst thing is the symptoms and the blisters git worse in a matter of hours ", said Mateo as he took off his suit.

"Have they found out anything that could help him ?", she asked him.

"Say no they say that everything that they try on him isn't working ", he said.

"So why are you still keeping him here if you can't treat him ?", she asked him.

"Because we have to find out what is wrong with him so that we can find a cure and it is even hard given the fact that does not know what is the cause of it ", said Mateo.

"Well first of all is it airborne ?", she asked him.

"I don't think so because the doctors who were handling him on the first day he arrived are in quarantine and there is nothing wrong with them. Given the fact the symptoms in him are getting g worse every day, we thought that we will see changes in them quickly but that is a dead end.", said Mateo.

"Well that is your first clue, this is not an airborne disease which means that something might have caused it either something that he consumed or something that touched his ski,n," said Katelyn.

"He said that he is not allergic to anything ", said Mateo.

"I know he said that but it does t have to be a type of the good that caused that. Something else that he ate maybe there were chemicals in something that he consumed ", said, Katelyn.

"That might be true, be even if it was an allergy to something the outcome is worse than is not possible, and if it is chemicals how are we going to know what caused the disease because he would have drunk water from anywhere ", said Mateo.

"Not possibly or maybe yes but you said he is not from here within it must be from somewhere. Has anyone from town come in with the same symptoms ?", she asked him.

"No not that I have heard of ", he said.

"Well, it's not from here them which means that it may be where he came from and if we want to be sore we have to know where so that a team can go there and test the water there it must be from somewhere maybe a well or something ", said Katelyn.

" He can't talk so knowing that is going to be hard", said Mateo as he sighed in frustration.

"You said he came to visit family right? ", she asked him.

"Yes ", he said.

"Well then go ask the family because you want to know at is wrong with him we have to go there so that we know how we are supposed to treat him ", said Katelyn.

"So on top of being hot, you are also a genius ", said Mateo smiling.

"Well being the best of everything put together ", she said smiling.

"Okay someone comes in daily to see how he is doing let's go to the reception and see if someone is already here ", said Mateo as they headed to the reception.