
"It was until you joined! We were in peace! Because of you... because of you!" Cries he in exasperation. He looks bewildered in red, perplexed as if he is to kill him... As he is to kill him... As he is... "YOU BROUGHT US NOTHING BUT CHAOS!" As Sonn proceeds, rapidly going with those words, he fetches out a diamond sword out from his scabbard, ready to impale him. . . And just in time before the bloody, savage execution happens (which did not because of the sudden walk), Simoun appears. He is exceedingly in terror for what he is, at the moment, witnessing.


   They, indeed, made an astounding progress, keeping this village amply healthy and well despite the great deal of zombies, creepers, and skeleton attacks (which are the general mobs of hostility). They, Simoun and Sonn, are the proprietor of this very village called 'Villa Sur'. Their friendship was formed in the name of cousinship.

   The Village they established is in considerably good state. We may pronounce Villa Sur as a Preternatural Village. This village is massive in area, located in between savanna and forest biome. Located at East is their main-home; at West is the black, unfinished, bastion mansion - which is on behalf of construction being conducted by Simoun; and at southwest located is the village.

The southwest village manifests a liberal system which is generously elevated in sustenance, coals, and crops. There live many professional villagers which are all considerably amiable.

   "This, Brother, is what I have ever dreamed of. This world... I can't even wish for more." Sonn expressed. Sonn is a brave, outstanding fighter that keeps the village out of touch from the zombies, while they also deal with creepers and skeletons (who are truculent towards them) which for some orthodox reason do not bother to aggress villagers. He makes the village safe and makes the number of monsters deplete. He is, by far, more adventurous than Simoun.

   Simoun, on the other hand, is far older than Sonn. He founded the union - which, hereby, is called: The Simon SMP (Survival Multiplayer). Sonn undoubtedly sees Simoun as his brother. He knew that Simoun has the elevated right (more than him) to state the compulsory and imperative. Simoun is more conventional in countenance. He does love literature, and so he writes books. He is sufficiently great in designing and building -  but he is dull and droopy when it comes to gathering materials. The outcome was it that most of their projects are marked as unfinished.

   Overall, Simoun and Sonn make the greatest team one will ever think of. But is it reprehensible to think of inviting another member? And another one? Simoun did so - with the assented sentiment of Sonn, of course. However, they are not in assurance whether he will bring the best or the worst. What if the new member seems to ravage the system - although he is their cousin, what approach would they take to take things in proper? What conflict and repulsion will the SMP experience on behalf of the coming of new members? Will they still live in harmony?