The Repetitive Encounter

   Their sadness and dread were evidently present as Alexandrovna departed far from their company. But it is inadequate to agonize forever and brood in depression - they have also fancied to consider that it is for the purpose of her academic wellness. So as it happened, they moved on, walked in, and entered.

   "So now...." Simoun commenced as they entered, it was as soon as the chaise was out of sight, "We are going to talk about many activities that you can do here... leisurely, at least."

   They all got seated and, in earnest, listened to Simoun. His manly composure was trying to bid his listeners to the need of listening to him - as he was talking of something principal in concerns.

   "We, Sonn and I, are going in the Nether... for... or to find a cure to zombification." (Zombification is the new term they use to refer to someone that has been zombified because of getting bitten by a zombie). "You, Stacia and Noel, will be the main proprietor of this village. Take care and assign, contract, and be pleased to build structures that you think will be a help to the village. I will, at least, leave you plenty of emeralds to pay the villagers for such matters." Articulated he.

   Sonn assented, but the two, Stacia and Noel, were left startled by the fact they would be having to manage the village. . . on their own. The two glanced at each other, trying to feel what one is feeling compared to the other.

   Few minutes have passed, and the room kept silent - and the next word was said,

   "Are... are you serious?" Her verbiage depicted a terror - a terror that leads to reluctance. "You were just talking about leisure and... and what if a raid... a raid suddenly happens, brother? Not just they will die... We" (with emphasis, she said) "will die."

   "We will make sure that that will not happen." Sonn's calm voice said, alluding to Noel and Stacia. Simoun initiated and stood from his seat saying,

   "Come, let us meet them..." They followed as he did,

   "Who?" Noel asked.

   "The villagers."

   They all stood and went out, seemingly composed as a mobster walking to the gate and looking for a raid. They are, at least, composed in briskly composure, and they kept their tepid looks as they do - keeping the cool, tranquil nature that concerns their original intent.

   They entered the gate and the first villager they happened to meet is Ariel the builder who was at that time sitting at the stairs and writing something from an indifferent view of indulge. Ariel is a well-built master builder that has the cerebral and physical capability to approach and execute a project - be it mega or mini. He may be dainty for a builder, but he is far extraordinary as a builder.

   "He is Ariel. You may tell him to build this and that, but... Ariel is astute, and he will never build something trivial." Sonn spoke while Ariel merely chuckled.

   "Well, then," Noel uttered as he was tremendously animated, "Build us, Stacia and me, a house! Ha-Ha!" Again, as he said this, Stacia blushed as she was deeply embarrassed, giving Noel a fierce and irked stare.

   "Don't... Don't bother to do so, Ariel." She timidly declared.

   "Well... I will fund that project." Simoun then said, smiling in a condescending manner.

   As Simoun and Sonn walked up the stairs, leading Stacia and Noel, they encountered Joven the shepherd. He was packing several sacks if wools that he garnered when the party approached him,

   "Hails!" The subject eagerly exclaimed.

   "Joven might give you a sheep or two to breed it yourself if you," With emphasis, "would be benevolent to him." Simoun said.

   "I also sew and stitch clothes from wool." Said the shepherd, smiling anxiously. They went bye and told him 'good-bye', walking in a helter-skelter manner.

   They continued and walked in linear fashion, making them meet Cosco at the road. The old man looked at the party so severely that Stacia was quite daunted. Behind Noel's back did Stacia hinder any sight that the elder would give, for she was terrified.

   "He is Cosco, the new Head-Villager. You would bestow most of the concerns on him." Sonn uttered. However, the subject seemed to be bemused, so they went through and proceeded, saying nothing in addition, and forgoing the odd, strange elder. But the peculiar man was weird enough to give them the still glare as they proceeded until they were out of his sight.

   "What is the matter with him... heh" Noel expressed.

  As they continually walked, they happened to encounter Peter, the farmer.

   "Good-Noon!" The farmer greeted them. It was then when they realised the presence of time - It was 12PM, and it was considerably late in noon! The sun and the warm rays were linearly hitting the arc of the land - how fiery it was.  

   "He is the master farmer. Go to him if you have any concerns with regard to agriculture." Simoun said, and in haste they proceeded. It was, at that time, being so hot that they did not have ample moments to clutter and have unnecessary conversations with the villagers.

   And at last, as they went by, they encountered Eli the armorer. Since what happened to Enoch - making him futile and, at last, dolorously died - Eli became the new master armorer. It is true, though, that every profession acknowledges its master.

    The resolution has it prepared for Noel and Stacia a piece of iron armor prepared by Eli and was given to them as they happen to meet.

   "Go and wear those." Sonn instructed as they got into Eli's station. Eli was in haste to give it and be tried - it satisfied the air around! They, of course, rewarded him for his outstanding craft

   "Does it suit them well?" Eli civilly inquired.

   "It appropriately suits us." Noel said, with a beaming lips that shows how he adores it, - though in breathy, heavy, voice - in respect.

   "We are beyond grateful, Eli." Simoun expressed as they got by.


   A tedious and repetitive process it was, in which they sacrificed their skins and time. Nonetheless, Stacia and Noel were far coaxed by the series of contact and introduction. It was a piece of knowledge that they ultimately got about the village. However, be it that they will soon know more.

   The hot rays have blushed their skins, making it appear as pinkish-red in color, emerging rapidly and hurting them vexed. The villagers, on the other side, become so unyielding when it comes to it. The party got home as the time flies so fast, sprinting over the indefinite void, consuming their goals - it was 12 in the noon.

    And as they entered and get themselves seated, Simoun suddenly declared,

   "Our adventure will begin tomorrow. Sonn and I must prepare, as we may take long there. Wish us luck." Even Sonn was not ready for such a declaration. But he did not bestow his interference, nor did he show any reluctance to do the mission.

   "Jane will be fed regularly. . . I assigned one of the most valorous villager to do so." Sonn added, "For I know that neither you, Stacia nor Noel, would maneuver your emotion. He-he." At least, as he said this, the two felt safe, and it pleased them. . . At least they would have no hold unto that brutal matter. Sonn got up and composed to prepare their food.


    Sonn is still composed in his original nature. He could have been silenced for he was overwhelmed by the rise of new members accompanied by the tragic incidents from here and there, but he has his innate composure which stays as he lives.