Tania's Decision -- Leaving the hideout

"Huh! I haven't checked the system gift" La Coasta murmured rubbing his temple.

He sat on the metal bench on the training ground, preparing to open his system interface.

"Why do you come out of the room?" An icy voice came from his left.

La Coasta raised his head and stared at the cold lady walking toward him.

"" Nothing. It was time for them to feed and regain their strength. My stay means nothing. Besides, I need to clear my head."

"S-Sorry for lashing on you the previous time," Tania whispered and sat beside him, looking at the sky.

La Coasta eyed her face for a moment without uttering a word. Noticing the piercing gaze of La Coasta's eyes on her face. Tania became uneasy and she shouted.


"I didn't expect the icy lady to apologize," he shrugged.

"What do you mean?" her voice dropped another bar.

"You know what it means. So, let's stop this quibble." He averted his gaze and looked at the horizon.

The weather was getting darker. It was almost nighttime. Though it was difficult for people on the wasteland to see the sun. Day and Night still appeared normal.

Tania fixed her gaze on La Coasta for a bit before she averted it. She knew this cowardly guy was changing and she knew it was due to the beast serum and his missing parent.

'At least, he had something to fight for. Better than his irritating behavior.' She thought, staring at the night sky.

'Would I be able to return home and….?' She sighed. A conflicted expression appeared on her face briefly but disappeared.

Meanwhile, La Coasta was lost in thought. The bizarre plane he found himself in when he lost consciousness and his tearing muscle gave him a headache.

'Why would my muscles tear up?' He shouted in his mind.

Though he knew the answer. He couldn't believe it.

'It that fucking serum they injected into me.' He gnashed his teeth.

'Can I have a normal and peaceful moment in my life again?'


[Host shouldn't think about useless things. When you get stronger, everything will resolve itself.]

[Your main focus should be how to get stronger faster. ]

Hearing the cold monotone voice of the system. He sighed and took a deep breath to calm his raging heart.

'You're right.' He kept quiet for a moment and after thinking about it.

'That man said I'll find all the answers when I reach the Oblivion realm…. I guess I have to wait for the Oblivion realm.'

'Then the issue of my body tearing up… I'll have to look for a solution in the future. I hope it only acts up where I can find help…'


>>HaremTech System<<


[Name: La Coasta.]

[Race: ??? |Vampire]

[Age: 18 years.]

[Stat Point: 7]

[Coins: 20]

[Bloodline: ??? | Golden Chaos Vampire]

[Awaken Level: ??? | 0.005%]

(Note: Average adult human has an average of 10 stat)

[Str: 5]

[Dexterity: 5]

[End: 5]

[Atck: 5]

[Vit: 25]

[Int: 3]

[Wis: 2.5]

[Charm: 15]

[Skills: 0]

[Harem: 2] ( Kelsi. Annette)

[Tech: 0]

[Store: Not enough coins]

[Gift Available: 1]

'Hmm… I have 7 stat points and 20 coins.' He rubbed his temple thinking of how to distribute it.

'System, add 2 points to my Dexterity'


[Dexterity: 5 (+2)]

[Stat Point: 5]

'Attack 2 points.]

[Atk: 5 (+2)]

'Though I'm a vampire and have high vitality. My endurance mustn't be too low.'

'End 2 points.'

[End: 5(+2)]

[Stat point: 1]

'Where should I add the last point.' He mussed.

'Add it to Wis.'

[Wis: 2.5 (+1)]

[Stat point: 0]

'System open the gift'


[Opening the welcome gift]

[Gift opened: XL Arm protection gloves.]

'What's this!?' He exclaimed.

[XL Arm Protection Gloves: Absorb 20% of user share force and protect the arm from external objects. It has a camouflaging ability.

Absorbent: Passive.

Camouflaging: Active. Change based on user choice of colour. ]

La Coasta read the description of the arm protection gloves before he digested their functions.

'So I can use this to protect my arm.'


[System availability is for the host to get stronger. The system won't provide any useless thing, except the host buys it from the store. Who knows?]

'Hmm… good, this should protect my arm for the moment.'

"Are you going to stay outside all night?" Annette's voice woke La Coasta from his thoughts.

He raised his head and looked at the two ladies standing before him and smiled.

"It's good to see your smiling face."

"Really, you love seeing my smiling face."

"Of course. Who doesn't"

"Enough of this. You can flirt later. We've got a more pressing issue." Kelsi announced.

"We don't need to think about it. We only need to change location." Tania said.

"I agree." Annette nodded.

"Then where to?"

The group descended into silence and looked at each other's faces. Each of them had various thoughts flying through their mind.

There is a reason why the three witches appeared on the wasteland out of blue and the reason had been met.

But not all of them met the reason. Can they leave their sister behind because they have found hope?

While La Coasta was homeless. He didn't know anywhere apart from the Byport Village. And if he wanted to return he didn't know his way back.

Tania was conflicted. Her two sisters had grown stronger than she was and she was stuck at the bottom. Even the useless and cowardly guy among them was way stronger than her.

What should she do?

She knew nothing about bloodline experiments. Kelsi was the brain of the research and now…

Looking at the face of the three ladies and seeing their conflicted expressions. He may be a coward but he wasn't stupid. He understood what was happening.

"Am going back to Byport Village?" He announced.

"What about you three? I know you two wanted to leave this place but were thinking about Tania." He paused.

The gaze of the three ladies was on his face. But he didn't fluster like his previous self. Unknown to him, he was already shedding his old skin.

"You're sisters. The Three witches. I won't suggest you split but be together. I, Annette, and Kelsi had an unspeakable connection due to us being vampires. The question is do you want to join us?"

All eyes turned to Tania, waiting for her decision. Both Annette and Kelsi glance at La Coasta from the corner of their eyes.

'Thank you.' They thought.

After waiting for what seemed like forever, Tania opened her mouth slowly.

"What will happen to me?" Her voice cracked a bit.

"Look at your sisters, what happened to them? Moreover, I can tell if you join us. The connection between you three will deepen greatly."

She can't be left behind by her two sisters. This was her chance and if she missed it. It was no one's fault. There are things for her to do outside the wastelands

"Fine… will it be painful"


Everyone laughed. No one could believe the icy goddess would be scared of pain.


La Coasta appeared in front of Tania like a ghost and bit into her neck.


****Author's Note****

Vote and comment for more chapters.