
"Boss! Looks like there are more than two people in the group." A voice shouted in exhilaration.

"Who cares! The more the better." The boss shouted.

They were only a couple of meters from the four people standing rigid in front of them.

"Are they too scared to run…" One of the bandits shouted.

"Perhaps they've never seen handsome bandits before."

The bandit shouted happily among themselves. They didn't expect their prey to be too scared to make a run for their lives.

Anyway, they were complaining, This makes their work less.

But things weren't happening according to the script. Before they knew it. The four move at once. And behold…..


"Where are they!?" the leader of the bandit shouted in fury.

Those in the front stop in their tracks and check their surroundings for their target. Suddenly, a gust of wind swept past their face and something unimaginable happened.


Two of those standing in front held their throat as they fell on the yellow sand. A thin line appeared on their throat and blood flowed slowly. And…


Two heads fell and rolled a couple of feet before they stopped.

The few in front held their breath and their hearts skipped a beat. Their brains were scalped and fuzzy. Unknown to them, their back was drenched in cold sweats.


Another two people fell to the ground and followed the previous two actions. Now, only a fool won't understand what is happening.

They've hit the hornet house.


No one knew who screamed the word 'Run' but the others were already running for their dear lives.

"Don't kill them. We agree to our loss!" A voice pouted in anger.

This was Annette of course.

They thought they had a chance against him. But from the beginning, this wasn't a race. It was a one-man slaughter.

What shocked them was the transition of La Coasta. For normal human beings, it would take them days or weeks to get used to the killing of a thing.

But he made them speechless. Perhaps, this happened because he wasn't human, to begin with.

"Fine!" La Coasta raised both hands and a stream of blood flowed down.

"Only ten people are remaining. We should leave 3 for Tania?" Kelsi sheathed her dagger and looked at her friend and asked.

"Good by me. I'm hungry." Annette responded and she couldn't control her craving for blood.

If not for their supposed race. She would have long fed on the bandit.

"I'm cool with it." La Coasta answered.


Annette disappeared from the group and headed to the west. When the others saw this they shook their heads and took a certain direction.

The scream of agony reverberated deep in the cold desert for a few seconds before it stopped.


La Coasta returned to their camp and sat beside the campfire.


[Mission completed.]

[Number of kills: 15]

[Reward: Combat training canceled.]

[Evaluation: The host should put more effort. There is room for improvement.]

After a couple of seconds, everyone arrived at the camps.

"How is it?" La Coasta turned to Tania.


"She didn't want to feed at first. But her craving couldn't be controlled. Should have seen how fierce she was." Annette teased.


On the dawn of the next, a black range rover raced toward the biggest city in the wasteland. The Thunder Prairie.

The Thunder Prairie didn't have a city wall to protect it and the city could see from a far distance.

If it was an ordinary city, it would have long been raided by bandits. But according to rumor, there is a powerful guardian guiding the city.

"So this is the Thunder Prairie." La Coasta murmured in dazed.

The continuous stream of people and the giant buildings that could be seen from afar shocked him to the core.

'How is this a wasteland!' he cried in his heart.

"You shouldn't be surprised. This was a ruin of the old world. But as people began to live in the ruins, it turned out to be this." Annette said with a smile.

They rode slowly into the lively city. While La Coasta's eyes move from one angle to the others. The three ladies looked at him and chuckled

They parked their rover in front of a half-destroyed building and the group entered the building.

Various people gathered in front of the building, but when they saw the new arrival, their eyes brightened up.

It can't be helped. The three witches were just too beautiful for any normal man to avert their gaze.

Besides, after their transformation. Their body was undergoing some changes, adding more charm to their body.

The three witches didn't care about the lecherous gaze directed at them. At the center of the ground floor was a long brown counter. And behind it was a middle-aged man cleaning a cup.

"We need to find a man called Saz," Annette asked with a smile.

"50 coins." The middle-aged man responded without raising his head from his work.

As if Annette was already prepared for the price. She threw a pouch on the table.

The man took the pouch and entered a room behind. All this was new to La Coasta. He wanted to ask what the hell was going on.

But he took a deep breath while trying to look at the bustling surrounding. Women with little clothes on their bodies move back and forth with a tray of wines, serving the men.

The place was noisy as hell.


The door opened and the middle-aged man appeared. He pushed the folded paper to Annette and resumed his cleaning.

After searching for a couple of minutes, the group arrived at the eastern part of the city. The street had fewer people and a thick stench of repulsive smell filled the air.

Knock! Knock!

Annette knocked on the door of a dilapidated building. After waiting for a few seconds without hearing a response.

She wanted to knock again when an aged voice came from inside.

"Who is it?"

"I'm La Coasta. We're looking for a man named Saz."

"Why would you look for him?"

"It is related to my parents."

"How would you know that?"

"I have an old ring with a bat drawn—"


At once, the door opened and a man appeared.

****Author's Note****

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