Outer rings 2

Bang! Bang!

"Come out!" A husky voice said.

La Coasta had been anticipating their arrival to the Outer ring. He knew whatever was waiting for him wouldn't be easy.

But the thirst to find his parents where about or the killer made him kill the shouting in his head. Telling him to live peacefully and not to get involved in danger.

The thick black canopy covering the exit of the truck was raised but he couldn't see anything.

It was dark and quiet outside. But he saw the people inside the truck preparing to jump out.

Without further ado, he followed the action of everyone and jumped out.

"Follow us and be quick. Don't look around." Annette whispered.

La Coasta nodded and followed after the three witches. Before he knew what was happening, everyone from the bus had disappeared into the cover of the night.

His heart was thumping but he took a deep breath to calm his racing heart.

This wasn't fear, but excitement. Somehow, he wasn't scared as he would have been.

Annette moves in a large stride, moving from one alley to another. No one spoke and the cold wind of the early morning assaulted their faces.

After walking for about 30 minutes, they arrived in front of a building.

It was an old 3-story building. Annette walked to the side of the building and searched for something.

After a couple of minutes, she came back with a key. Quickly, she rushed toward the door.

Suddenly, bright halogen light came from the distance, scanning the surroundings.

"Hide quickly." Kelsi gripped La Coasta's hands and they rushed to the side of the building and find something to cover themselves from the patrol.

After a couple of minutes, the light moves swiftly into the distance.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was close," Kelsi whispered, whining the bead of sweat from her forehead.

La Coasta was surprised. He didn't know what the hell was going on. But he knew this was not the time to ask unnecessary questions.

Annette opened the door and they entered quickly. It was dark inside but no one cared about it. They could see like it was day inside the darkness.


The group entered a room on the top floor and the witches fell on the bed.

"Finally, we're back," Tania said.

Though her voice was cold, it contained happiness and fury.

"Are you surprised by what is happening? Don't worry, we explain everything in the morning." Kelsi said.

"Now, let's get some sleep." She added.

"I haven't gotten a nice sleep for the past three years," Annette said.

The three ladies took the single bed in the room while La Coasta slept on the only couch in the room.

'Outer ring.' He thought before he slept off.

"Hmm" La Coasta's eyelashes twitched and he opened his eyes slowly.

A bright ray of light assaulted his face through the window. He blinked twice to adjust his vision to brightness.

"Finally, you're up!" Annette's giggling voice came from the bed.

Hmm! Hmm! He nodded.

"Where are the others?" He asked.

Inside the room, Tania and Kelsi were gone and he looked at Annette for answers.

"Forget about them. I believe you have a lot of questions in your mind." She asked with a smile.

"Yes. I didn't ask because I want you to tell me yourself."

"As you have guessed, we're from the outer ring. And the outer ring is divided into three regions. The outer region, inner and core."

"I'm from the inner region. While Tania and Kelsi were from the core region."

"You must be wondering why we came to the wasteland. It is very simple. We couldn't awaken our bloodline. So our families abandoned us." She said while smalling.

"Everything in the outer ring depends on the bloodline. Almost everyone in the outer ring has a bloodline. Though it may be trash. Yet, it is still a bloodline."

"Bloodline is divided into 9. From F — SSS. Those in the outer region mostly have F and E bloodlines. But inner and core regions are mixtures from E — A level bloodline."

"My Family is a family of C-level bloodline while Tania and Kelsi were A-level bloodlines."

"Now, to the second part." She took a deep breath.

"For you to call a Maxis. You need to unlock and understand your bloodline power. There are many stages in bloodline power but I only know of three."

"Why three?" La Coasta interrupted.

"Because no one in the city has ever passed that level." She said seriously.

"The stages are. Awakening called soldiers. Mirage the second stage called Elite and the third, Identification called Captain."

"Though we've bloodline power. We're still novice soldiers."

"Do you have any questions so far?" She asked.

"No," He shook his head.


"Our luck is bad." Kelsi opens the door with a slight frown on her face.

"What happened?" Annette asked.

"The annual academy selection was done a month ago. We're stuck." Tani sat on the bed calmly.

'I remember Saz telling me I should join an academy.' He thought and creased his brow.

'What should I do when all the academies are no longer accepting students?'

"Are you for real! All the academies in the outer ring have done their student examination." Annette asked, not believing the duo.

"No. We're talking about the inner academy. As for the outer academy. We didn't bother to search." Tania said.

"Why?" La Coasta asked.

"Because you can't compare the inner academy with the outer academy. Both in terms of teaching and resources." Kelsi asked.

"So you're saying we should wait till next because of this?" La Coasta asked.

The room descended into an abrupt silence. The three ladies understood the importance of these two things and were dejected.

They have already wasted four years of their lives, searching for ways to unlock their bloodline. But now….

"You see, I don't understand the way you people are thinking." La Coasta said seriously.

"You were neglected by your families and had to venture into the dangerous wasteland in the hope to awaken your bloodline. But now, when you awaken your bloodline, you turn into a snub."

The three ladies were stupefied by his words and they felt ashamed. Nevertheless, Kelsi retorted.

"You don't understand the gravity of these two things and how it will affect our future."

"Which future?" La Coasta asked.

"You didn't even have bloodline from the beginning." He shook his head.

"You are now back to the outer ring and you've already forgotten what you passed through to arrive where you are today."

"I won't change your mind. If you don't mind, is there any academy in the outer ring accepting students?"

"Silverleaf Academy is recruiting students in a month," Kelsi said subconsciously.

"To the Silverleaf Academy then."

****Author's Note****

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