Demon and Demonnesss

"I guess the boss is enjoying those fresh buns." A man shouted as he tried to pass his message across.  Around a table seated with three hefty men. They sip their drink leisurely. 

"Hmm, Hmm." The group nodded. 

The blaring of music echoed in the dim room while some men looked at the hidden room. They had meaningful smiles on their faces. 

Unknown to the gang, the situation inside the hidden room was way different from their imagination. 

"What do you say?" La Coasta's cold voice echoed deep in the boss's ear. 

The boss shivered as he dangled back and forth in La Coasta's hands. Not in his wildest thought would he think a day would come when he would be at the mercy of a young man that was not even 20 years old. 

"P-please don't kill me. I'll do anything for you…" He cried. 

La Coasta crimson red eyes blinked twice as he thought for a moment. He turned to look at the three witches that were busy feeding on their prey.