Tournament 4

"I will take revenge for those you have robbed and make you regret your action," Carly announced slowly as she drew her thin sword from the sheath.

"Idiot," Kelsi said in contempt. 

Hearing this, Davin and Carly were furious and pounced on the group at the same time but for different purposes. And behold… 

"This is outrageous! How could they be ruthless to their fellow students." Marlene shouted with veins protruding from her forehead. She had long lost her calm demure of a powerful Maxis when she saw her student being beaten blue-black.

The pretty Carly had bruises all over her face, with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth while Davin had lost confessions from the continuous ramming of punches on his face. Out of the group, only Carly was barely conscious and couldn't see any part of her body, only her eyes rolled in their socket, covered in blood.