Tournament 8: Leroy vs La Coasta

Fred didn't bat an eye at her and fixed his gaze on the La Coasta group. Now, everyone knew the deciding battle between the Silverleaf academy and the Rising tide was about to happen. Thus, making the blood of the audience pump in anticipation. 

The wait didn't last long, it was the final battle in the group. 

"Slot 10 vs slot 1" The referee shouted. 


A bright glee appeared in the crowd when they heard the referee. It was as if the match was the final match of the tournament. Perhaps, it was the final match between the academy. Any academy that won the match would have the right to tell the world how strong he was compared to the others. 

All the teachers from Silverleaf academy had a pensive give as they looked at the La Coasta group with slight panic. This includes Betty. Currently,  she doesn't care about the misunderstanding between her and Fred. What she wanted to see was Leroy's death and she wasn't sure La Coasta could.