Tournament 10: Wanda Misery

Seeing this, the stadium was in perfect decorum as they watched the dead boy carried out of the arena. 

"If you don't want to lose your life. I advise you not to face the bandit if you're not sure to withstand that devilish slap." Regina's voice breaks the silence.


The students looked at the four bandits with fear written all over their faces. Their previous courage disappeared into thin air and only Nelson didn't have any change in his expression. Although he looked calm on the surface, deep in his heart, a foreboding feeling appeared that he couldn't shake off. 

After the momentary silence, the tournament begins but the atmosphere dampened as every student avoided the bandits like plagues. 

Quickly, the match proceeded as the students had lost the zeal to compete since the four bandits were unmovable mountains while Nelsons and Wanda were a pain in the ass.