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A giant serpent appeared at the back of the monster beast and cried loudly. Everyone on the wall held their breath, with heart in their mouth. Al Casendra couldn't breath, perspiration drop from his forehead. A few seconds later, the giant serpent had disappeared. At once, those beast rushing forward halted for a moment before they turn back and dashed toward the forest.

At the top of the  city wall, everyone held their breath, their heart race and their eyes brightened. Is it what we are thinking? They ears perk straight While the resounding thuds of the beast began to lessen. After a couple of minute, the sound of the monster beasts disappeared, leaving a thick quiet smoke on the field.

Al Casendra exhaled his pent hold air. He turned around and gave the dumbfounded Sir John parchment, leaving with his back straight, both hands behind his back. 'Is my pose charming enough'