Disappointed.... A Challenge

"I did it!" La Coasta shouted as he entered the room. 

A small circular device was in his hand as he rushed toward the center of the room while the other moved closer to see what he did. They all knew how serious he was about learning about tech development. He spent a lot of money to employ the best of the best in the field. 

"What do you do?" 

"Watch." He pointed at the holographic screen.

A bat logo appeared on the screen for a couple of seconds before Night Walker appeared in golden colour. Quickly the app showed the login page and he filled the form. The group watches the various parts of the app without any enthusiasm. This was an app, then what was so different about it from other apps.  The ladies looked at each other not understanding why he was so happy about it. They could only think of one thing. This was his first app. 

La Coasta could feel their skepticism but didn't care. "With this, we can start the kill list." 
