The Awkward History Class

When the first ray of sunlight shown into the room. The duo stop their business while La Coasta opened his eyes slowly and Rodney quit his game and looked at his direction. 

"What the hell!" He screamed and jumped out of his bed. 

La Coasta sighed as he watch the various gaze directed at him with a calm expression on his face. 'Who would have thought the purification manual would made me look like a zombie.' He clicked his tongue and shrugged helplessly at his current situation. 'I should have stop when I lost a couple of blood….' Sighed. 

He shook his head and entered the massive auditorium in front of him. Everyone that accosted him looked at him twice before they avoid him like a plaque. He squinted his gaze and search for Annette, quickly he saw a figure waving at the far corner of the auditorium. 

'There you are…' At once, he sauntered toward her position in a large stride, not caring at the finger pointed to him.