Repeated Chapter, Do not open

"Don't tell me you are trying to connect to the outer region?"

La Coasta didn't blink and stared at him calmly, waiting for him to answer his question. But contrary to what he expect. 

"Are you stupid?" He screamed, rushing toward him.  "What have you done?" 

La Coasta stared at Rodney over exaggeration reactions without knowing what to say. Rodney stood besides him and stared at the series of code flashing down his terminal. He looked at the terminal for a couple of seconds before he look at him. 

"How long have you been trying to connect with the outer region?" He asked with a solemn voice. 

"For a couple of hours…." He creased his brow. "Why are you behaving as if I'm trying to steal a billion dollar…" 

"If you're trying to steal a billion dollar… I won't have care." He sighed and took a seat beside him, looking straight into his eyes.