La Coasta Battle

Meanwhile, the coliseum was silent as they fixed their gaze on Annette as various emotions ran through their mind. 




She has turned into a legend. 

Standing at the center of the stage, Annette raise her head a bit and looked at the crowd with smug a hidden pride under her mask. 

'I miss this feeling' She clicked her turn with prideness. She turn to La Coasta side and stared at him directly, not caring about the gaze of people. 

Who is that?

Is that her boyfriend?

Who knows?

The crowd debated among themselves as they cheered with a loud voice. Since no one knew her appearance and only knew of her pseudonym. Yet, it didn't stop them from screaming her name.

Annette left the stage and returned to La Coasta side with pride as everyone that accosted her had a respectful look on their faces. 

"What do you think?" She whispered into his ears.

"Not bad"