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Ah! Ah! Ah!

A series of miserable cries came from the side as men fell to the ground with blood gushing out of their chests. And standing in front of them were men with shields and long spears.

On the other side of the battlefield, a man with a sniper was panting profusely as beads of sweat dripped from his forehead like a broken dam. 

'Dam it! What kind of freaking armor is this!' He cried in his heart. 


'What's that! What's that!' He cried in his heart as he looked back from the corner of his eyes and behold. A blurred object at the line of his eyesight at an unprecedented speed. 



A piercing pain assaulted his brain, forcing him to halt on his track. He widened his eyes and looked at his chest. 'How could this….' Blood spurted from his mouth as he fell on his knee. A thick sharp spear pierce through his back and appeared in the front with some innards. 
