Becoming a real Awakener...

After a couple of minute, he got everything under control and didn't dare make the same previous mistake. 

Without him knowing, as the blood continue to run in the new created bloodline paths, his aura change and he was lost in trance. 

'What the hell is happening?' A voice resounded inside La Coasta mind. 

An illusory figure appeared inside his sea of consciousness and looked at the aura coming from his body. 'This shouldn't be happening…. How is this possible….'

'It's not yet time. How can he unlock his bloodline power.' 

The illusory figure flickered back and forth as he couldn't believe what was happening. He was the sealed consciousness inside La Coasta body made for his guidance when he clocked the right age. 

After looking at the sudden changed in La Coasta body for a while, he sighed and shook his head before he disappeared into a wisp of smoke.