Show of dominance.


La Coasta, Annette, Lisa, Adriana, and Pierre all collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath after their intense battle with the Gorgon Hyena. 

The forest around them was filled with the sound of leaves rustling in the wind, but the group was too exhausted to take notice.

Additionally, their bodies were covered in sweat and dirt, and their clothes were ripped and stained with blood. 

The once fierce warriors now looked more like tired, wounded soldiers. La Coasta, the leader of the group, was the first to speak, his voice hoarse and shaky.

"Is everyone okay?" he asked, his eyes scanning the group for any signs of serious injury. The others nodded weakly, too exhausted to speak.

Annette leaned against a tree and took deep breaths, her two daggers lying forgotten at her feet.