Beast Tide (2)

Standing amid the ruined city was the edifice, a once grand symbol of architectural brilliance, now standing in a state of decay. 

Its sturdy walls, constructed from weathered stone, bore the scars of time, their once-immaculate surfaces chipped and eroded. 

Vines and ivy snaked their way through the cracks, claiming ownership of the structure and enveloping it in a verdant embrace. 

The tendrils reached out like gnarled fingers, their grip tightening around the crumbling facade as if nature herself sought to merge with the remnants of human creation.

Once, the building's windows had glistened with vibrant stained glass, casting kaleidoscopic patterns of light onto the worn floors. 

But now, the glass lay shattered and fragmented, scattered across the worn-out tiles like shards of a forgotten dream. 

The eerie silence of the interior was interrupted only by the faint rustling of leaves and the distant echoes of a forgotten era.