Beast Tide (4)

[AN: Please support this book by buying the privilege chapters, as I will start to update daily from now. Only by buying the privilege chapters can you motivate me to write more.]


Ah! Ah! Ah! 

"Please save me!!" A female cried in pain under the heavy assault of various beasts. 

After a couple of seconds, the sound of the female crying for help faded into the heavy atmosphere as the various sounds of beast howls resounded through the night. 

The air hung thick with the stench of blood, a pungent reminder of the brutality that unfolded.

 Additionally, the metallic tang mingled with the dusty scent of ancient stone, creating a disorienting miasma that assaulted the senses. 

Every breath drawn carried the acrid taste of violence, fueling the primal instincts of those embroiled in the conflict.