Out of the Desert into a Beautiful Danger

As La Coasta and his intrepid group embarked on their journey toward the Southeast of the desert, they faced a relentless expanse of arid and unforgiving terrain. 

The scorching sun beat down upon them, casting long shadows that stretched across the golden sands.

  Each step was a struggle, as the heat seemed to sap their strength and test their resolve.

Their faces were etched with determination, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of respite. 

The desert seemed to stretch on forever, a vast and desolate landscape that challenged even the most seasoned of travelers.

"My Goodness is this not going to end?" Lisa complained bitterly, covered in sweat. 

Everyone had been wondering about this and most times, they wanted to question La Coasta. 

But choose to keep quiet and trust his leadership.

Seeing their unsightly faces, a light smile crept up to Annette's lip. 

She turned and looked at the leading La Coasta.