Blocking the Demon... A Fatal Mistake

Amid the lush vegetation, a group of students engaged in a fierce and intense battle, their bloodline powers crackling in the air like sparks of magic.

The air was thick with tension, each student's eyes reflecting a mix of determination, rivalry, and the sheer thrill of the clash.

Flares of energy illuminated the dense foliage as the students summoned their unique abilities.

Arcane symbols glowed on their skin, a testament to the bloodline power that ran through their veins.

Vines lashed out, crackling lightning arced through the air, and shimmering barriers materialized, creating a chaotic symphony of power.

Sweat mingled with dirt on their faces as they dodged, weaved, and countered each other's attacks with agility and strategy.

Just as the battle was raging on and the two sides were deadlocked,

a group of people came from the south, running at their top speed.