Rapid Breakthrough - We need blood.

[AN: Please support this book by buying the privilege chapters, as I will start to update daily from now. Only by buying the privilege chapters can you motivate me to write more.]


In the quiet expanse of the deep underground tunnel space, a group of students sat around a blood-red crystal, full of concentrations.

Their eyes, tightly closed, concealed the intensity of their concentration.

La Coasta, with determination, breathed in the dense, bloodline-laden air.

His fingers brushed gently against the jagged surface of the gigantic Blood Crystal Vein, feeling the thrum of life within.

Long hours stretched into eternity, punctuated only by the rhythmic echo of their breaths.

The crimson glow of the vein cast eerie shadows upon their faces, making them appear otherworldly in this subterranean sanctuary.

They cultivated with unwavering focus, tapping into the raw power that surged through the vein.