Split up...

"Where are you coming from?" Lisa asked, staring at La Coasta and Annette with a slight frown on her face.

"Wow! You've all had a breakthrough," Annette said with a light smile on her face, not caring about Lisa's question.

Adriana looked at the mesmerizing beauty of Annette and couldn't help but widen her mouth.

It was not only her who was shocked. Pierre and Cedric were both astounded by her beauty.

Her beauty was out of this world. Her blond face, brown cascading shoulder-length hair swayed gently on her shoulder.

Her pristine skin glistened under the little illumination from the Blood Crystal Vein.

Looking at her, there wasn't any imperfection.

Seeing the dumbfounded look on everyone's face, Maya shook her head. She knew how beautiful Annette was; previously, the group failed to notice her beauty because of the Beast Combat AI glasses. Now that she removed it, their jaws dropped to the ground.