
Welcome back, returning readers, who have come back after reading the first story, and a warm welcome to new readers who may have concerns about this being a sequel.

First and foremost, I want to clarify that the prequel and the sequel are unrelated, except for the main character and some of his previous powers. The world settings, power systems, and cultures are all distinctly different.

For instance:

In the prequel, the world setting is based on medieval times and Western myths, customs, and systems, whereas the sequel's world setting is a blend of Wuxia, Xianxia, and Xuanhua, resembling ancient medieval China, with clans reigning over the world.

The prequel employs the use of 'Mana,' while the sequel relies on 'Qi.'

And so on...

I believe that all readers are intelligent and will comprehend this brief explanation. However, if you still have doubts or reservations, let me assure you that you can read the sequel without needing to read the prequel.

The prequel's title is "The Most Satisfied Reincarnate." (I acknowledge that it may sound cringe, but it was my first novel, and I couldn't come up with a better name.)