Eren vs Dire Tigers P1

In the City of Ironhaven, Eren and Sofiya had embarked on a path of mercenary work. 

Their two-personnel team, though unnamed for now, had garnered attention within Sakaya's Palace, the esteemed merchant guild of the city. Together, they had taken on missions that would pose challenges to even full-fledged mercenary groups. And now, on the 16th day since their registration, they found themselves venturing into the heart of the Ironhaven Forest.

Eren and Sofiya had risen early. Their destination lay a mere two hours away, a specific region within the vast expanse of the forest. The task at hand was to rid the area of dire tigers, fearsome beasts whose talons and skins were in high demand for weapon and armor creation. It was a lucrative opportunity to bolster their finances and establish their reputation.