Diamond Dignity

After what felt like a long time, Technoblade finally had a full set of diamond armour. The crafting workshop took so long to craft his chest plate and boots, stalling Technoblade with his other building processes. Hence, after getting his boots, the tactician learned from his mistake and only crafted one piece of diamond armour at a time. That way, he could still craft the essentials like books and a fishing rod whenever he wanted.

That's right, a fishing rod. No, he wasn't out to fish mobs to him or off a cliff, although that would be very handy. If anything, Technoblade went night hunting to get his string. It was still an incredibly rare item, even with his new unique skill. However, if he added a looting enchantment, he could increase the mob drop rate to 100%.

Unfortunately, that would require too many levels. Even if Technoblade diligently fed his sheep and chickens, it only gave him thirty-right levels in two days of his preparation. The fishing activity contributed to five of those levels, but it was nowhere near enough.

He still wanted that fully enchanted diamond armour before exploring the nether again. Blazes would be a real pain to deal with in that hellish fortress.

Thankfully, crafting a full set of diamond armour gave Technoblade a reward he immediately put to practical use.

"Five skill points and so many skills," he mused.

A regular person might split those skill points up and enjoy the advantages of becoming slightly superior in various areas but master of none. Technobalde wasn't going to do that. It was foolish to think one could be good at everything, even in games.

"Full speed ahead!" he declared and dumped those five precious skill points into his [Speed] ability.

There was a reason why Technobalde was known as the fastest man on Skyblock. He trained hard and mastered the secret arts so that nobody else could possibly catch up to him. The only thing that could take him down was the internet connection, and even that did not hinder his super speed for long.

Even with the boost of five skill points, Technoblade sighed in disappointment at the lack of difference between his [Speed] and [Farming] skills. He farmed so much that his farming skills were still superior to his agility, even after the boost. No wonder he earned that Potato Crown. It wasn't a coincidence. Could farming become an addiction?

Although he had a spanking new sparkly set of diamond armour, Technoblade still refused to wear them. Instead, he put on his enchanted set of mediocre steel armour. There was still something left to do before he visited the nether.

With his new diamond tools, Technoblade needed to get them enchanted with Mending. The [Unbreakable] enchantment was special and only applied to his unique pickaxe. All other tools and armour pieces did not have that. Technoblade did not have enough levels to afford eight mending enchantments either, so while he fed chickens and sheep for levels while hunting the occasional stray monsters, he fished.

There were two reasons for fishing. The first was to get some bonus experience for his levels, while the second was to try his luck getting various enchantment books. It was rare, but Technoblade knew it was possible. He fished up a book with Smite, and while it wasn't very useful, Technoblade knew that he could fish up other books if he indulged in his new activity for long enough.

Casually, Technoblade caught all the fish he needed to complete his fishing side quest and obtained yet another useful skill.

"Say goodbye to Underwater Breathing Potions," he laughed and claimed the new skill.

The system admin must have run out of creativity as the new skill was simply titled "Underwater Breathing". Unlike the potion that lasted eight minutes in Minecraft, Technoblade's new skill allowed him to grow something akin to gills. It meant that if he wished to, he could build a house under the sea and live there like a mermaid forever.

"As interesting as that sounds, it would be boring. Besides, I can't take all the Skittle Sheep to the ocean. They'll drown!" Technoblade reasoned.

That was a lie. The animals in Aftercraft are not as capable as monsters when drowning. Also, monsters disappear the moment it becomes day, so those that do not drown still vanish. However, animals would continue to swim infinitely in his moat if they fell in.

Technoblade learned about it after tracing the sound of clucking for hours only to find out they were hiding in his moat in the underground sewers near his walls. He didn't want to talk about how he was forced to massacre them. It could be his imagination, but for a few days after that incident, he would always catch the chickens staring at him with quieter clucks as he fed them.

In a flurry of days, Technoblade repeated the monotonous cycle. The most interesting highlight of his fishing festival was a very decent bow. It had almost every enchantment Technoblade would ever want, like power, mending and unbreaking. Most importantly, he learned that he could stack enchantments that used to be conflicted with each other in Minecraft. For instance, if a sword had Sharpness, it could not have Smite. It wasn't the case in Aftercraft. Technoblade found out by accident, trying to combine two enchanted bows he fished in an anvil. Although it took him materials to combine these bows and their enchantments, the fact that he was holding a Power and Infinity enchanted bow blew Technoblade's mind. It felt so wrong, but he wasn't complaining.

Needless to say, Technoblade got rid of that extra diamond pickaxe he crafted to get Silk Touch on it. He simply enchanted his special pickaxe with silk touch because he learned that the tool's primary ability can be toggled when there were two conflicting enchantments. For instance, Technoblade set the ability to use Fortune on ores and silk touch on everything else. That made his mining trip a lot smoother.

That's right. Along the way, Technoblade ran out of lapis and had to go mining for a refill. Who knew that getting max enchanted armour and tools would take that many lapis? He spent nearly thirty blocks of lapis, but it wasn't enough. It was easy to get the lower-tier enchantments. Technoblade thought that casting a basic level of the enchantments he wanted on every item and upgrading them later would be cheaper.


It cost exactly the same but more effort than required. Technoblade learned to give up when he saw a losing battle. The enchantment shop had better odds than using the enchantment table for a random enchant. He made his books from the sugar cane collected from his automatic sugarcane farm and leather from the cow slaughterhouse. However, those books usually only gave him repeated or useless enchantments.

He did not own a crossbow or trident, so repeated crossbow and trident enchantments greatly annoyed him. After two stacks of books and too many lapis blocks spent, Technoblade was forced to admit manual enchantments had terrible odds. He was better off saving those levels and purchasing the customised tiers instead.

Hence, he returned to the mines and killed more mobs in the deep mines while collecting more precious resources. Before he knew it, he was back with more diamonds, gold and many blocks of lapis enough to complete his project.

Technoblade finally removed his crappy steel armour and donned the shiny diamond armour when the last piece of diamond armour was enchanted to the maximum level.

Almost immediately, he felt the power swell from within him. Not only was his handsomeness boosted over a million times, but the enchantments also gave him an additional bonus to his existing skill status.


[Congratulations! You have completed the quest [Diamond Dignity]. You have received a special skill [Thermoflux]. A new quest advancement tree has been unlocked for you.]

What's [Thermoflux]? Curious, Technoblade went to his character tab and found the new skill.

"Oh! No wonder they gave me such a skill. I guess it's obvious where I have to go now."

The portal hummed ominously, but Technoblade wasn't afraid now. He could take on anything with a fully enchanted set of tools, armour, and ranged weapons.

He almost forgot there was a temperature gauge, and staying for too long in the nether would eventually kill him. When he mined for quartz, he hopped in and out in less than fifteen minutes, so the scorching heat of the nether did not affect him too much. Eating Juicy Berries constantly was a feasible way of exploring the nether. However, the better solution was obtaining this [Thermoflux] skill that would automatically regulate Technoblade's temperature to the ideal temperature without lifting a single finger.

"I guess all that running around, and enchanting paid itself off," he shrugged and checked his arrows.

There were only eighteen arrows because Technoblade could not find enough flint to make more, but thankfully, he brought some wood and feathers with him. The nether was full of gravel if he looked in the right places. It would be easier to craft them in the nether while he collected flint.

Feeling ready, Technoblade entered the forbidden room and studied the new quest tree.

"I don't have any rest, huh?" he asked the system admin, who offered no reply.

There was a new quest branching from the main quest line, and Technobalde groaned. Going to the end to defeat the ender dragon was his main objective. However, the Aftercraft admin did not like the speed runner's style of defeating the final boss.

Instead, there was a customised quest tree offering him 'helpful advice' about how to obtain his ender pearls from piglings because endermen simply did not exist and how to locate a fortress that could only be found by obtaining a biome compass. Technoblade did not want to delve into how much effort that would require. If anything, he was going to the nether for one reason and one reason only.

"Netherite, here I come."