Hello Jean

Over the mountains and over the seas, Technoblade and his party finally made their way to the stronghold or what was above it. They were standing in a different desert, and the miner made quick progress, digging a safe staircase down to the portal room.

Technoblade wondered if it was worth exploring the stronghold but decided against it. He might not even be back after defeating the dragon. It was only going to delay what would happen eventually. He refused to do such a thing.

Heading straight down, Technoblade quickly rushed in to disable the silverfish spawner. It was terrible enough to have to deal with insecurities. He did not need the endermite's cousins to harass his nervous party.

The portal had no eyes in the frames, so Technoblade placed all the eyes down but did not enter. He put out the fire beneath and laid down beds for everyone. It was their final day of peace in this stronghold dungeon before they faced Jean.

"Have a good night, fellas," Technoblade handed up stew for dinner and some bread. "Tomorrow, we will fight. You may never get to see your fellow villagers again, but you will all be heroes regardless of the outcome."

Raising his bottle of juice in the air, Technoblade cheered.

"For Orphania!"

Raising their glass bottles of potions and juice, the villagers drank, and Technoblade was the only one who stayed up past curfew as usual. He was finally here. Only one more step before they were in the end. He had everything he needed, yet he was strangely nervous.

He wasn't even this nervous when Hypixel told him that he needed to win a thousand battles in his row to prove his worth as the God of PVP in bed wars. All his life, he believed that if a situation was unfavourable, he could always retreat and re-strategise. However, fighting Jean was a one-way ticket. He might not be able to retreat, much less re-strategise.

It was do or die, and Technoblade felt highly uncomfortable about it.

Despite his concerns, he slept soundly through the night and woke up early the next morning.

His party was raring to go, and Technoblade bought a few minutes for breakfast. If this wasn't Aftercraft, he might have thrown up from nervousness.

Jumping through the end portal, Technoblade related it akin to bungee jumping. When he opened his eyes again, he was now in the end dimension with no way back. They spawned in a relatively small cavern underneath the main island, which was probably the best situation Technoblade could ask for.

"Follow the plan," he told his miner as he started breaking the endstone to mine towards the surface. "If you have to fall, fall in the water. Distract the dragon but do not directly confront it."

The archer followed behind Technoblade while the head guard and priest followed the miner. The magician loitered around the spawn cavern for a while before deciding to follow Technoblade. He wasn't assigned a proper job at the beginning of the raid, so the villager decided to follow the party leader in the end.

Technoblade made a run for it as the miner worked and distracted the dragon. The magician did a good job throwing a confusion spell. Jean roared in fury as she was woken up from her slumber on the bedrock perch. The dragon inhaled and breathed purple fire at the intruder. The magician threw up a defensive barrier to protect the archer while Technoblade used his anti-dragon shield.

Those purple flames' sheer heat would have tremendously weakened Technoblade without his temperature-regulating skill.

While the dragon was preoccupied with Technoblade, his party members quickly took down the crystal towers. There were ten towers to smash, and the archer was doing a good job sniping. Jean didn't even realise that half the towers were already taken out before changing her magic attack to a melee one.

"Crap!" Technoblade cussed and sprinted as fast as he could to get away from the dragon's charge. At the same time, he threw an ender pearl to the other side of the island for insurance in case the dragon sent him flying.

Jean was a bitch. He had no idea if female dragons could be considered bitches, but this one definitely took the cake as it sent Technoblade flying off the island and into the void. Thankfully, his insurance pearl brought him back to land. Technoblade ran for his life as the dragon focused on him, slapping down as many water buckets as he could.

He would shoot at her with his special arrows while running and swapping for the shield whenever she decided to spew fire. Fighting Jean was not fun, and Technoblade kept an eye on the number of crystal towers taken down. His archer was doing a good job, and the magician kept the dragon's attention away from the stealth operation.

While the archer took down the last three crystal towers, his miner and head guard had not been slacking either. The miner prepared the trenches, and as Technoblade started to cause effective damage against the dragon, who could no longer regenerate, the villagers started retreating to the labyrinth beneath the island to start their assault.

"Don't let it roost!" Technoblade commanded. They needed to keep the dragon in the air as much as possible to avoid getting caught in its charge. The dragon constantly circled Technoblade and his party but could not land on top of its bedrock nest when arrows rained down on it.

The magician did their best to weaken the dragon, and Technoblade managed to throw two potions at it. The dragon was definitely poisoned and weakened now. However, Technoblade still required a little more time to set up his wither trap at the nest.

He had no idea if wither roses would affect the dragon, but anything was worth a try. His only concern was running out of stamina while fighting the dragon, but apart from that, they had all the time in the world. Besides, there were no other uses for wither roses, so Technoblade reasoned they should be given a chance.

Planting the wither roses and taking two seconds of damage, Technoblade quickly retreated. The trap was in place. It was time to shave off Jean's remaining health.

"Let her rest!" he commanded, and his villagers pulled back, changing their positions to the second phase of their plan.

Jean was a tough dragon. Even with the help of his villagers, they only managed to take down twenty percent of its total health. The archer tried to shoot at Jean's eyes, but the dragon's eyelids worked like impenetrable shields. Arrows simply bounced off them. However, his magician was doing a good job of keeping the dragon poisoned and weakened whenever it came within range. His head guard managed to stab it a few times when it came down for the dive, and the priest kept everyone alive, including the miner. It was a good strategy, and Technoblade swapped to his bow as Jean circled her nest.

Technoblade's face fell when Jean roosted but did not take any wither damage. He was expecting as much. Ender dragons in Minecraft are immune to wither damages too. It was fine. He had other plans.

"Move to Plan C," he told his party members, and the miner quickly mined a different tunnel heading towards the nest instead of around it.

Technoblade followed the miner, and so did the magician. The archer, head warrior and priest remained as the other team did damage using artillery from the rat tunnels. Technoblade readied his bucket of lava to destroy the wither roses in one go. At the same time, his head guard changed from defensive to offensive. There was only one safe place in the end: under the dragon's nest. Technoblade wanted the magician and head guard to remain there while he acted as the decoy. He had enough god apples and potions to help him out of risky situations. The totem of undying was also his insurance's insurance should things go pear-shaped. Ender pearls were also on standby in case Jean tried to shove him into the void.

Pouring the lava onto the planted roses and taking that advantage to strike Jean's soft underbelly with his comrades, Technoblade watched how quickly the health bar decreased. His head guard was definitely the MVP.

"Don't take unnecessary risks. Stick to the plan and consistently move!" Technoblade ducked and ran for a different entrance to lure the dragon away from his team.

The villagers continued doing what they needed to do. The head guard and magician hid beneath the dragon's nest, and Technoblade shot at the dragon after surfacing. The water buckets around proved useful as the dragon charged at Technoblade and launched him into the air again. Thankfully, he was not hovering over the void and could land in a water pool.

Yet, the God of PVP did not waste time while he was airborne. Taking advantage of the height, Technoblade fired rapid shots at the dragon and tried to hitch a ride on the dragon as it came closer.

Although Technoblade missed the dragon and failed to make it his mount, he managed to carve a nasty wound at the side of the dragon before he fell into a pool of water on the end island.

Technoblade ran circles and ate, repeating his taunt and teleport tactic while his party whittled its health down. It was finally down to the last twenty percent of its health when Jean acted strangely.

She no longer targeted only Technoblade and often tried to kill the villagers hiding in the tunnels. Technoblade's priest did his best to heal his brothers, but even so, it wasn't enough. Technoblade lost his genius archer when Jean was down to the last ten percent of her health.

The magician focused on providing strength buff spells to the head guard, who managed to take out another five percent of Jean's health when she came to roost. Technoblade took on the duty of alternating between melee and ranged attacks. He no longer held back, and the priest was focused on keeping the weak miner alive as they made their way over to meet with the magician and head guard.

Technoblade struggled with Jean's ferocious charges and even used three totems of undying as the regeneration could not keep up with the damage Jean did. His anti-dragon shield was useless as Jean spewed lingering dragon fire all over the island like petty revenge for his water pools.

Technoblade learned that dragon fire burned harder than standing in lava, and he was not immune to them. The battle peaked when Technoblade climbed a crystal tower and lunged at Jean with a sword, leaping off the tower and embedding it into her head. He held onto his sword tightly, not letting go as she made loops in the air in an attempt to throw him off. After a long tussle, while her health slowly seeped away, the sword came loose, and Technoblade ender pearled to the island as Jean went back to roost at her nest. She was eventually killed by the head guard who delivered the final strike there.


As an act of last revenge, the dragon's death conjured a huge gust of wind that blew Technoblade off the island and into the void. His remaining party members remained safe in the tunnels, and Technoblade desperately threw several ender pearls in succession, hoping one would land on the island's edge while he fell into the void.

Thankfully, his fourth pearl gave him enough height to double pearl out of the precarious situation. The end sky changed to purple as an egg appeared at the top of the nest Jean liked to rest on. There was no doubt about it. That was the dragon egg Tecnoblade's quest wanted him to turn in.

"Good work, guys. You did well…" Technoblade trudged over to the tunnel, where his villagers celebrated by throwing food at each other.

He was about to join them, but the depleted stamina bar made Technoblade's vision spin as he blacked out on his feet in the middle of a water pool. That didn't stop his party members from showering him with food and including him in the after-raid celebration.