Episode 19 - Worlds finest

Barry and Macanese were training in any way that they knew could help them defeat Zoom. They both had devices on their chest that could help them go faster. They both then accidentally broke through some sort of Barrier. Luckily they were both in their suits as they ran through a city when suddenly they saw a girl falling from a skyscraper. So naturally, Barry and Macanese zoom up and get her before zooming her to a field. The girl's shirt was on fire from accidentally coming in contact with the lightning given off from Barry and Macanese's speed. "You're on fire!" Macanese informed her.

"I... Nope. I'm…" The girl then puts the fire out from her shirt with her hands.

"You don't seem that bothered by the fact that you're on fire." Atchaco notices.

"I didn't need you two to save me." She told them.

"You just fell from a skyscraper. So if we hadn't been there, you would have gone splat." Barry chuckles softly.

"I have to get back to the city." She said.

"Okay…" Barry drones. The girl then started to fly away and her civilian clothing fell off and landed on top of Barry. This revealed a blue and red superhero suit with a cape as she flew away, leaving Barry and Macanese looking confused.

"What the what... That's a new one." Macanese noticed as she tried to decipher what happened.

"I thought we were the impossible." Barry said.

Barry and Macanese then zoom away but the girls look at them confused. She then flies towards them making the two speedster stop. "How did you do that?" Macanese asked.

"I'm Supergirl." She replied as if it were the simplest thing.

"You're who now?" Barry wonders.

Sorry, I was just a little... ...disoriented from the scream. How did you two save me?" Supergirl questions.

"Well, you fell out a window and I caught you and ran you all the way out here." Macanese looks around the area. "Which we did not mean to do."

"We've been working on our speed and... Guess we're faster than we thought." Barry told her.

"Yes, but I…" Supergirl eshales. "Who are you?"

"I'm Thunder and this is The Flash." Macanese introduces themselves.

"The who now?" Supergirl questions.

"The... Wait, do you not know who we are?" Barry asked her.

"Should I?" Supergirl wonders.

"What about the Green Arrow?" Macanese suggests and she shakes her head.

"Black Canary? Firestorm? Atom? Zoom?" Barry lists.

"Sorry." Supergirl shrugs her shoulders.

"Oh, boy. Not as sorry as we are." Macanese admits. The two speedsters then take off their mask and show her who they really are.

"Hey, this is Atchaco Cornwall but she is more famously known as the multiversal goddess, Lady CyAmze Macanese and I'm Barry Allen. We're the fastest people alive. Also think we are on the wrong Earth." Barry said.

"We are definitely on the wrong earth and we're gonna need your help." Atchaco tells her.

Later, Supergirl who they now know as Kara Danvers has taken Barry and Atchaco to her apartment where they could change into normal clothes. She then took them to her secret office at work where Barry and Atchaco are now sitting in front of a computer. "So what do you mean, you're from another Earth? What, how many other Earths are there other than this one? You know, we're Earth." Kara said as Barry quickly types on the computer.

"I don't understand. What... You guys have Central City but you don't have S.T.A.R. Labs. No Cisco Ramon, no Harrison Wells, no Caitlin Snow. Nobody who's gonna be able to help me and Atchaco get back home." Barry said. Atchaco then got up from the chair and stood next to Barry as two men walked into the room.

"Hey! Are you all right?" Man 1 asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. What happened to Siobhan?" Kara wondered.

"Oh, well, after she went all Mariah Carey on you, she just split." Man 1 informed her.

"Oh, so we both have Mariah Carey. That's something." Atchaco said in relief

"Who are you guys?" Man 2 asked.

"Hey, sorry, I'm Barry Allen." Barry shakes the guy's hand.

"I'm Atchaco Cornwall." She also shakes his hand. "But I'm also known as Lady CyAmze Macanese."

"James Olsen." James said.

"And this is Winn." Kara introduced as Winn waved at them. "Uh, you guys…" She chuckles. "I'm not quite sure how to tell you this. Well, I do know how to tell you, I just…"

"Kara?" James clears his throat.

"Yeah, right, sorry. Uh, Barry and Atchaco... ...are from another universe." Kara informs them and Atchaco smiles.

"Cool!" Winn laughs. "Whoa! Whoa! So the, the theory of the multiverse, that's true?" Winn wondered and James nudged him.

"True. Oh, yeah. Big time." Barry tells them.

"Yeah, I still can't believe it. And I'm from another planet." Kara said.

"What?" Barry said.

"Oh, yeah. She's an alien." Winn told them.

"You're an alien?" Atchaco asked.

"Yeah." Kara answered and Atchaco smiled.

"So, do you have, like, other aliens on this Earth, like ours?" Barry wondered and they looked confused and he pointed to Atchaco. "She is an alien as well."

"What do you mean by 'this Earth'?" James questioned.

"Barry." Atchaco points at the white board behind them.

"Uh…" He walks over to it and draws circles on it. "Ah, hold on. All right, so, Imagine there are multiple versions of Earth. Um, one where the Nazis won World war II."

"One where Kennedy was never assassinated." Atchaco suggests.

"Oh, yeah. One where all of us are evil." Winn wonders.

"Been there. It sucks. So all of these Earths occupy the same place in space, but they vibrate at a different frequency so they can't see one another." Barry explains.

"Yeah, but it's like if you can go fast enough, then it's possible to open, like, a breach, and then travel between worlds." Winn said.

"Yeah." Barry agreed.

"But how could you two travel that fast?" James asked.

"You want to or should I?" Atchaco questions.

"Both." Barry answered. Barry and Atchaco then zoomed out of the room and came back with ice cream for them all.

"Yes!" Kara smiled.

"Yeah, so, um, we were struck by lightning the same night a particle accelerator exploded. And we became superheroes." Atchaco told them. Kara chuckles as she licks her ice cream.

"So you're superheroes, too?" James stammers.

"Mmm-hmm." Barry nods.

"That's cool, I guess." James admits.

Okay. So you can just like, just bop back and forth between universes?" Winn raises his hand.

"Uh, no actually. This happened by accident." Atchaco answered.

"I have travelled through time before by accident." Barry admits.

"That's cool." Winn said.

"I've never jumped parallel dimensions without meaning to. Atchaco hasn't either." Barry told them.

"Yeah." Atchaco agreed. "So until we can figure this out, we're stuck here."

"Well, don't worry. Don't worry at all because we're gonna help you guys." Kara reassures them. She then puts her hand on Barry's shoulder but because of the strength it was too hard and Barry groans. "I'm sorry."

"Um, it's okay. First things first, food. We have to consume about 10,000 calories a day." Barry informed them.

"Oh, yeah. You've definitely met the right girl." Winn said.

"Do you like donuts?" Kara smiles.

"Who doesn't like donuts?" Atchaco replied.

"I know a place." Kara said.

"All right. Yeah. See you." Barry said.

"I love your dress. I have the same one but in burgundy." Atchaco tells her.

"Cool, thanks." Kara smiled and they all walked out of the room.

Minutes later, Kara, Barry and Atchaco walk through her reporter office. "Just one more thing I've got to get and then we can…" Kara starts to say.

"Ker-rah, you're alive." A voice called and they walked into the woman's office.

"Ms. Grant, don't worry, I was rescued…" Kara reassures her.

"Stop stating the obvious. You're in the middle of breaking news and I want you to act like it. And yes, yes, another one of my ex-employees went all revengey. But…" She turns her computer to face them as Winn and James walk in behind them. The picture was of Macanese and Barry catching Kara from the fall. "There's a new superhero in National City. This is huge. Direct competition for Supergirl."

"They don't have to be competition." Kara tells her.

"Would you prefer sidekicks?" Ms Grant asked.

"No, not sidekicks. More like an equal. Or an ally. Even a partner, maybe." Barry said and Atchaco just shakes her head as Ms Grant stares at him. "Speaking was the wrong choice. I see that now."

"All five of you standing there doing nothing, you look like the attractive yet non-threatening, racially diverse cast of a CW show." She looks at Barry and Atchaco. "Who are you?"

"My cousins." Kara, James and Winn all lie at the same time.

"No. My name's Barry Allen and this is my girlfriend, Atchaco Cornwall. We're not actually anybody's cousins." Barry tells her.

"We're just such good friends." Atchaco continues.

"Yeah. It feels like we're family sometimes." Kara finished.

"Uh-huh." Ms Grant gave them an unconvinced look. "Well, I need a clear picture of these speedsters. James, that's on you. And Ker-rah, there are a lot of people who wanna know what happened. Speak to no one. You're mine. I will let you know when you should reveal this exclusive information. Now, I have to name this hero. I was thinking about 'Whoosh one and two' or 'The Red Streaks' or 'Mr and Mrs Blur.'"

"What about The Flash and Thunder? I'm just saying, I think those are some pretty cool superhero names. Right?" Barry suggested.

"The Flash? Sounds like someone whose only superpower is jumping out of an alley in a trench coat. Thunder? Sounds like a supervillain. No, I want mystery, I want intrigue, I want The Blurs. Now be gone." Ms Grant replied.

Later, the woman who had yeeted Kara out of the window, Siobhan had found out she was a Banshee from her aunt and that she should kill the person who had wronged her. To Siobhan this is Kara, who she believes is protected by Supergirl. To counteract this, she decides to team up with one of Supergirl's enemies, who is named Livewire and she has used her powers to break her out of prison.

Kara gets a call from her friend who is the boss of the prison that Livewire, who hates Ms Grant and almost killed her if it wasn't for Supergirl, has broken out of prison. So once Kara had gotten off the phone she went into Ms Grant's office. "Ms. Grant, you have to leave now." Kara tellsher.

"Ker-rah, I thought I told you to tell Bernie Sanders that I am not interested in hot yoga." Ms Grant replied.

"No, no. Livewire has escaped. She could be anywhere now, but you know where she'll come eventually. So head home and pack. I will arrange a car to take you and Carter to the airport and a plane, and guards. I will take care of all the escape arrangements." Kara informs her.

"I'm not going anywhere. I beat her once, I'll beat her again. Fine. I had help. I'll have help again. National City may have lost faith in Supergirl, but I haven't. And you shouldn't either." Ms Grant argues.

"Ms. Grant, please…" Kara tries to say.

"Staying put." Ms Grant replies.

Minutes later, Kara walks into her secret office where James, Barry, Atchaco and Winn are. "I need your help." Kara tells them.

"Anything you need." James replies.

"Yeah, of course." Winn agrees.

"I was actually talking to Barry and Atchaco." Kara admits and the speedsters stand up.

"Yeah." Atchaco said.

"Yeah, what can I do?" Barry asked.

"Well, I have this villain. Her name is Livewire." Kara informs them.

"Uh-huh." Atchaco hums.

"And she's basically like living electricity." Kara tells them.

"Cool. We have a rogue like that. We call him Blackout. Doesn't feel relevant, all of a sudden." Barry admits.

"Right. So she just broke out of this prison and... And all she wants out of life is to kill Ms. Grant. And with Siobhan still out there, I don't think that I can protect her by myself." Kara replies.

"Okay." Atchaco nods.

"National City needs The Flash and Thunder." Kara tells them.

"Oh, Kara, we…" Barry tries to say.

"And once they're both back in custody, I promise that we will do everything in our power to get you two back home. What do you say? Partners?" Kara wonders.

"Partners." Atchaco and Barry smile as they shake Kara's hand.

Later, Barry and Atchaco, now in their suits, super speed to Kara's base of operations. "Yo, this place is amazing, all right?" Barry grinned and Kara and Winn laughed. Macanese and Barry then turn around and see a spaceship in front of them.

"Is this a spaceship?" Macanese asked, scanning it.

"That's actually my spaceship." Kara admits.

"I love this Earth. Hey, Winn, can I get a picture with this bad boy?" Barry wonders.

"Oh, yeah. Sure." Winn agrees.

"Awesome." Barry smiles as he poses in front of Kara's spaceship.

"Winn. Winn…" Kara draws his attention.

"That's probably not a good idea, dude." Winn said.

"All right." Barry walks over to her.

A group of people then walk towards them. A woman walks forward as men all around her point their guns at Macanese and Barry. "Agreed." The woman says. "Who are these masked people? Aliens?"

"She is." Kara answered, pointing to Macanese. "He's a metahuman."

"Well, we have protocol for visitors at the DEO, Supergirl." She reminded her.

"Guys, it's fine. He's here to help us find Livewire." Kara reassures them.

"We do need all the help we can get." She replies and the men around her lower their guns. "So what do I call you? Speedy One and Two?"

"Barry Allen." He said, taking off his mask.

"Atchaco Cornwall, or Lady Macanese." Atchaco said, deactivating her mask.

"Lucy Lane. I hope you both are bringing more to the table than just quick reflexes." Lucy told them.

"As it just so happens, catching criminals is both our night and day job. We're both CSI's." Barry told them.

"I'm also a cybernetic being with an AI." Atchaco informs them. "By the way, do you guys have a crime lab here?"

"Yeah. My sister's lab's right over there." Kara points.

"Wait, you have a sister? Where is she at?" Barry asked.

"I wish I knew." Kara answered.

Later at an abandoned warehouse, Siobhan had a little chat with Livewire. It ended up not taking long to convince the villain to help her but first she had to have a little makeover before she went up against Supergirl so they could kill Ms Grant and Kara.

Back at the DEO, Barry, Atchaco, Winn and Kara were all in Alex's lab. They were all researching and talking about Leslie Willis, who they also knew as Livewire. They were also talking about Siobhan Smythe, the girl who had turned to kill Kara with the scream that had propelled her out of the window Barry and Atchaco had caught her falling out of. Atchaco then noticed that Kara was looking out of the nearby window. She then followed Kara's gaze to James.

She tapped Barry and on the shoulder and motioned for him to look. James and Kara were looking at each other before breaking contact. Barry realised that they liked each other because that was the way that he had used to act around Atchaco before they had gotten together. Atchaco smirked at the situation with a knowing look before looking away. James was then talking to Lucy until Kara spoke up.

"We found Livewire." Kara told them and Lucy and James walked in.

"That's great news." James said.

"Actually, it was Barry and Atchaco." Winn admitted.

"Of course it was." James replied.

"Livewire's ability to absorb the electrical energy in the air surrounding her gave me an idea. So I wrote an algorithm to monitor variations in metre usage around the city, and it all leads to that warehouse." Atchaco informed them.

"I see bad guys love their abandoned warehouses on your Earth, too, huh?" Barry joked.

"I'll authorise a drop team." Lucy tells them.

"No. No, no. She's too dangerous." Kara turns to Barry and Atchaco. "Let's go."

"All right, yeah. What's the plan?" Barry wonders.

"Catch the bad girl, bring her back here so she can't hurt anyone. 85% chance of punching." Kara smirked.

"Okay. That I get. But like, what's the plan?" Atchaco repeated.

"Maybe we can overload her somehow." Barry suggested.

"Yeah, what about the Industrial Capacitor you were gonna trap her in last time?" Winn wonders.

"No, no. It went busto." Kara shakes her head.

"Well, Dynamic Trio will build you a new one." Winn said and Atchaco and Barry high fived him.

"No. If we wait, we lose her. If we lose her, God knows what kind of damage she could do, or who she could hurt. I defeated her once before. I can do it again. With your help." Kara faces the speedsters.

"We're right behind you." Atchaco reassures her and then the three of them leave.

"Have I told you how much I like that guy?" Winn said.

Later, Kara is flying through the sky as Barry and Macanese zoom underneath her. Moments later they all get to the warehouse. "For the record, I got here first." Kara said.

"Yeah, for the record, we went around the block to check the perimeter. So, technically, we let you get here first." Barry replied and Macanese chuckled.

"You sure this is the right place?" Kara asked.

"Hope so." Macanese answered when suddenly electricity started to form out of nowhere, forming into Livewire.

"Long time, cape and skirt. Didn't think you could fight me solo, so you brought partners. How sweet." Livewire mocked.

"I got this." Barry said.

"Barry…" Macanese tried to stop him but it was too late. Barry had already taken off and started running around Livewire. Barry then zooms back and stands next to Macanese who throws a lightning bolt at Livewire who just absorbs it.

"Uh-oh." Barry said.

"Thanks for the charge." Livewire laughs. She then throws electricity into Barry and Macanese before dangling them over the ground.

"Flash! Thunder!" Kara yelled before she dropped them to the ground, hard.

Kara sees a water sprinkler above them and she was about to use her heat vision to douse Livewire with water when she heard a high pitched scream. It was so piercing and painful that Kara, Macanese and Barry all had to place their hands over their ears. Kara then looked at the blood on her fingers from the scream. "I brought a friend, too. Meet Silver Banshee." Livewire told them.

"All my life I thought I was cursed. But now I see I was cursed for the better." Silver Banshee, who was Siobhan, walked closer to them before jumping down in front of them.

"You don't have to do this. I wanna help you." Kara tells her.

"Funny. She said the same thing to me once." Livewire admits.

"Here's what I say to that." Siobhan replies before using her scream to propel Kara into the wall, making her fall to the ground. "Once you three are dead, I can finally give that little blonde moppet, Kara Danvers, the death she deserves."

"Maybe Kara Danvers is tougher than you think." Kara tells her. She then uses her superbreath on Livewire and Siobhan while Barry and Macanese enhance it with their speed.

"We're not gonna win this today!" Macanese said as she and Barry zoomed away and Kara flew after them.

Later at Kara's job, Barry, Atchaco and Kara were all back in normal clothes. Kara was standing on the balcony when Barry and Atchaco stood in the doorway. Atchaco motioned for Barry to go talk to Kara and she listened in. "Hey. How are you doing?" Barry asked as he walked onto the balcony.

"Well, aside from my eardrums ringing like church bells, I'm okay." Kara answered.

"You sure? You don't seem okay." Barry noticed.

"I'm sorry I made you and Atchaco rush in on Livewire without a plan. I didn't know she was gonna have a cohort." Kara admitted.

"That's the thing about being a superhero. You have to somehow be prepared for the unexpected." Barry reminds her.

"Something happened to me a few weeks ago. I was exposed to this substance that made me crazy. I did a lot of horrible things." Kara told him.

"That's rough." Barry said.

"And when I was helping people as Supergirl, I was... I was so happy. And now that the people don't want me to help them, I feel lost. And I'm in such a hurry to prove myself again, I'm making stupid mistakes. Like today." Kara sighed.

"This is gonna sound ironic coming from me but, um, you need to slow down. Just keep doing your good work. Don't worry about the rest. The public will forgive you, I promise." Barry reassured her.

"How can you be so sure?" Kara asked.

"'Cause the same thing happened to me." Barry answered.

"Really?" Kara wondered.

"Mmm-hmm." Barry nods.

"So what finally fixed things?" Kara questioned.

"Time." Barry smiles and Kara sighs. "When you're used to fixing things with brute strength, or in my case, amazing speed, it's hard to accept that there are things out of our control."

"It's humbling. Right?" Atchaco says as she walks up to them.

"Yep." Kara agreed.

"And believe us, when you stop trying to force the solution, it'll happen on its own." Atchaco reassures her.

"I'm really sorry you're locked out of your world. But I'm really glad you're here." Kara tells them.

"Us too." Barry replied. What was unknown to Kara, Barry and Atchaco was that Livewire and Siobhan had arrived at Kara's job later and kidnapped Ms Grant.

Minutes later at the DEO Atchaco and Barry were showing something to Kara. "So back on my Earth, we fought a villain who used sound waves as a weapon. He called himself Pied Piper." Atchaco told her.

"That's a cool name." Kara smirked.

"Yeah. So I whipped up these bad boys. Sorry I keep saying 'bad boys.'" Barry apologised as she showed Kara the device.

"Are they earbuds?" Kara wondered.

"Yeah. It'll protect us from Silver Banshee's scream." Atchaco answered when Lucy walked towards them.

"James just called. Livewire and Silver Banshee kidnapped Cat." She informed them when suddenly Livewire appeared over the TV screens in front of everyone.

"Hello, Red, Black and Blue." Livewire said. "Come to National City Park now if you don't want Cat's blood all over your hands or all over the street." She laughs maniacally before disappearing.

"You both don't have to do this. This is my fight." Kara reminds them.

"One for all and all for... You guys have Three Musketeers here, right?" Barry wonders.

"All for one." Kara and Atchaco said in sync. Barry and Atchaco then zoomed out as Kara flew and they kept up with each other on the way there.

Moments later in the park, people were running away as Livewire and Siobhan terrorise them. Then Barry, Macanese and Kara got them all out of there before seeing that Livewire and Siobhan had Cat sitting on a bench and tied up. Livewire was about to kill Grant but Barry interrupted her. "Hey, Sparky! Shrieky, hi. What do you say we step away from the nice lady? Settle this like women." Barry said and Macanese and Kara curiously. "What? There's more of you guys here than me."

Macanese smirked in amusement before shaking her head. Livewire then looked at Siobhan. "Kill 'em both." Siobhan then walked closer and started screaming. The earbuds that Barry had made worked perfectly for them in protecting them from Siobhan's screams.

"Told you it'd work." Barry smiled.

"What? You lose your voice?" Macanese taunts.

"What are you waiting for?" Siobhan said, looking at Livewire.

"Watch who you yell at!" Livewire shouted. She then shot electricity towards them. Kara flew away as Barry and Macanese zoomed over to Siobhan and Livewire before tackling them to the ground. Livewire then turned into electricity and went through the power pole and into a building to which Barry zoomed after her as Kara walked over to Cat.

"What took you so long?" Cat asked.

"Are you kidding?" Kara sighed before using her super strength to break the handcuffs chaining Cat to the bench. Macanese then punches Siobhan in the face, making her fall to the ground.

Up on the rooftop, Barry zoomed towards Livewire, who turned into electricity so that he passed through her. She then shoots electricity towards him which causes him to fall unconscious. "Zap." Livewire smirks.

Meanwhile, before Siobhan could throw a screaming sound wave, Macanese super speeds towards Siobhan and trips her up by grabbing her ankle. Kara then punched the ground and picked up a piece of cement, throwing it towards Siobhan. SHe screamed loudly, decimating the block of cement before it could even touch her.

While this happened, Livewire travelled through the power lines and stood next to Siobhan as Macanese backed away, walking towards Kara. They then heard a helicopter pass overhead. "I hate helicopters." Livewire complained, shooting electricity towards the helicopter. Kara flew in the way of the helicopter which caused her to receive the burst of electricity.

Everyone in the park was watching it unfold as Kara fell to the ground. Macanese was then about to throw a lightning bolt at Livewire, but she ended up getting shot in the chest with pure electricity. This overloaded her systems and she fell to the ground. Siobhan and Livewire walked towards Kara but a growing crowd of people stood in front of her. "Leave her alone!" A woman shouted.

"Yesterday you people were ready to string her up. Now you're willing to die for her?" Livewire noticed in confusion.

"She was willing to die for us." She replies.

"What do you say we thin the herd?" Livewire asked.

"No, don't. Please, please." Kara groaned.

Macanese suddenly shoots up, a system fully rebooted and zooms over to a fire truck, she grabs the hose and shoots water at Livewire. Livewire starts spazzing out which causes Siobhan to get hit and they both collapse to the ground. This caused the crowd to cheer and applause. Macanese hurrys over to Kara and offers her a hand. "Supergirl, you okay?" Macanese wondered. Kara nods as Macanese helps her up.

At this point, Barry wakes up from being unconscious and zooms down to meet them. "What did I miss?" Barry asked and Macanese chuckled.

Later at Kara's job, Kara, Winn and James were all watching the news. "In one of the most remarkable displays of city unity I've ever seen, Supergirl's willingness to sacrifice her own life for the innocent has made her the hero of National City once again." The newscaster said.

"Hey, so what happened to Siobhan and Leslie? Did they, uh, did they get locked up at the DEO?" Winn asked.

"Nope. No. Now, thanks to Barry and Atchaco, the National City Police Department has a way to lock up metahumans." Kara answered.

"Oh." Winn replied.

"And like you taught Supergirl, our enemies deserve a fair trial." Kara turned to James.

"Well, I'm always good for advice." James smiled as Ms Grant walks in.

"Oh, Ms. Grant, if it's all right with you, our cousin, Barry and Atchaco…" Kara stammers. "Barry and Atchaco are leaving town and I was gonna see them off."

"Okay. Tell Mr. Allen and Lady Macanese to have a good time zipping around in his red outfit and her black one." Ms Grant replies.

"Wait, you knew they were The Flash and Thunder?" Kara asked.

"Oh, please." Ms Grant answers. "Barry and Atchaco show up, The Flash and Thunder show up. Barry insists on that silly name. And he was so unfailingly charming and nice, that he had to either be a superhero or a Mormon. Atchaco is caring and oddly dressed. She was either a superhero or a priest. Ker-rah, I can spot the extraordinary pretending to be a nobody in my midst just like that." Ms Grant snaps her fingers. "Now, my eyebrow waxing with Arabella at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning is not going to book itself. Feel how good it feels to dial."

"I'm on it." Kara replied.

Later, Kara came to see Atchaco and Barry in a field where they had originally arrived. "You really think this is gonna work?" Kara questioned.

"Well, watching Livewire and Banshee work together reminded me of something that we tried on my Earth once. You and the two of us join forces." Barry said.

"Literally." Atchaco continued. "We combine your speed with our speed. If you throw us forward at your fastest, then we might just break the dimensional barrier and get back home."

"What? What do you mean? Like a race?" Kara smiled.

"Yeah, I guess." Barry answered and they all laughed.

"Think you can keep up, Girl of Steel?" Barry jokes.

"Just you watch, Scarlet Speedster." Kara chuckles. "Burgundy Bullet."

"All right." Atchaco laughs.

"I'm gonna miss you, Barry Allen." Kara admits. "You too, Atchaco Cornwall or Lady CyAmze Macanese, nice alien name."

"We're really gonna miss you too, Kara Danvers." Atchaco said.

"Or Kara Zor-El. Which is your alien name. Because you're an alien which I think is very cool." Barry said and Atchaco looked at him annoyed but he ignored it.

"I think James Olsen thinks so, too." Atchaco admits.

"What makes you say that?" Kara asked.

"You remember before when I told you to take things slow? That's good advice for a superhero, lousy advice for two people who really like each other." Barry answered.

"Yeah, we should definitely know. Maybe it's time to speed things up." Atchaco replied.

"Maybe." Kara smiles as she spreads her arms open. "Come here." She hugs Barry first before hugging Atchaco and then pulling away.

"All right. Let's do this." Barry said. Barry and Atchaco then place the device that they had on before back on their chests. The speedsters then place their masks back on as they all get in a running position.

"On your marks…" Macanese started.

"Get set." Kara continued.

"Go!" Barry said and then they sped off. They zoomed forward at the same speed. Barry had pulled Macanese close to him as Kara pushed threw a break in the dimensional barrier. Just like that Barry and Macanese said goodbye to Supergirl's earth as they were now heading back to theirs. They were going home.