New world, New hope.

-somewere in space-

there was a being which watched over an entire country while drinking wine, he had a presence of great dignity and strength even though nobody was there to see it, he was paying attention to see if anything happened inside over his domain.

[Dammit... those dammed apes keep angering the wrong people... even though they will perish at this rate they think that just because I'm with them they are untouchable]

He drank some wine.

Then... it happened.

[Fuck... I just hope that the hero doesn't target me he's been growing with too much spee-]


[This isn't possi-?!]

He was pushed back and rolled in the ground for about 20 meters until he crashed in a wall, he stopped moving and countless thoughts filled his brain.

(How? How could a space fracture open here?! was it a natural phenomenon? but this palace has protection against such things... no, this must be deliberate, but there's nobody able to open one, they are all dead!!)

While he was thinking the "space fracture" grew slowly until it reached enough size for a man to enter, it was then that the impossible happened.

The God stopped thinking and widened his eyes, he was witnessing something that was believed to be impossible, while there were historical records of beings capable of creating space fractures it was impossible to survive inside of it because even the most powerful beings couldn't protect themselves of the distortion that happened inside of it.

When the being finally came out of the space fracture the God felt an unbelievable amount of pressure, as if he was a newborn staring at death itself.

The being worn black and white clothes, it had Indigo hair and eyes that looked like the universe itself.

The being opened it's mouth.


Edric stepped out of the cracks after reaching his destination, he was inside of a luxurious palace, which clearly showed that there were sentient beings in this reality, but he thought it would be more interesting this way. He then examined the room and found a humanoid being which was filled to the brim with an unknown energy source, there was also energy scattered in the air but it's density was much lower, he started absorbing the energy for examination.

He then looked at the humanoid in the room and said, without much hope:

[Do you understand me?]

The humanoid widened his eyes and started shouting angrily in a language Edric didn't know.

//language analysis complete//

It only took a sentence in order for Edric to understand.


[Ah, this is much better. Now I can actually talk with you]

The humanoid shuddered.

Edric found funny the reactions of the being, so he smiled.


(I Hajere, the faithful deity need to protect my palace!)

It was then that the being "spoke"


It's voice was powerful and mysterious, but that was all, he couldn't sense much divinity either so he thought maybe he could beat him.


[Ah, this. is. much. better. Now. I. can. actually. talk. with. you]

It said, with it's void like eyes staring directly into his soul.

Something felt wrong... it's voice sounded off...

He shuddered.

It's cheeks went up, until they reached it's ears.

That Wasn't a Smile...

ThAt WaSn'T a HuMaN...