Energy Regeneration.

Huh, this beast is regenerating

Tough it isn't a problem, at this rate it'll need several hours to recover.

Anyways, let's see were this rhino gets energy from.

//emotions deactivated//

-One hour later-

Hmmm, I see. It seems as though the energy is produced in a way similar to breathing, absorbing something similar to the quarks of my universe and absorbing the energy from them.

I still need to analyze this further, but that will be a problem for later, for now let's steal the energy from the beast.

Huh... it died, it's whole body just stopped functioning. I guess life here is dependent of this energy.

If it's like that, then I now know how to call this energy... "essence"

And I've also improved by a lot copying the beast

//Essence capacity:525->526/526(EC)

Essence Regeneration(per hour):0->42(ER)

Essence resistance:0~52.5->5.26(passive) ~526(active)(Er)//

After absorbing it's essence completely, my capacity improved by one point, and I also improved my resistance to it by spreading it in my body.

But my biggest improvement was my essence regeneration, I'm gaining a lot of essence now. Even if I used up all of my essence it'd regenerate in around 13 hours.

And I can definitely improve it.

If I start circulating essence like blood and pump it...

//(EC)517/526 (ER)42->80 (Er)52.6~526//

It becomes much more efficient, the only disadvantage of this is that I need to breathe to maintain this state, but I don't plan to go to space in a while.

there are still a lot of things to do here, after all.


(Cadamni's pov)

I'm not sure what was in that asteroid from before... but I need to prepare, just in case.

[Traits] I said, and then a screen appeared in front of me.


[Trait creator:4/5]:

Creates a limited number of traits


(use created traits to increase proficiency)

[Danger sense]:

Can detect danger


[Language comprehension]

Understand all languages


[Destruction aura]

Can transform mana and other sources of power into an aura that can destroy everything


[Sturdy body]

Greatly increases survivability

Greatly increases regeneration

Can survive death once every year (becomes paralyzed for 4 weeks)

[Add +(one use remaining)]

I had been thinking of how to use my remaining trait slot for a while, but danger sense is reacting like never before. It isn't time for hesitation.

I thought about what to add to my traits screen.

I remembered a tv show of my old world, I used to watch it every week in the TV...

□[Add +]

[Death boost]

Becomes twice as strong after overcoming death


I added it without hesitation, it would be pretty useful and I learned to trust my instincts over time.

Huff... now I need to train somewe-

□[User action unlocks dormant trait!]□

Huh? wha-

□[Heaven's luck]

Has unhuman luck

Will find the best possible opportunities

Is loved by fate itself

proficiency 1%

[Due to Heaven's luck, the compatible traits (sturdy body) and (death boost) fuse into (inmortal body) increasing the effectiveness of the traits and adding one new characteristic]

[Inmortal body]

Has unhuman survivability

Has unhuman regeneration

can survive death once every 3 months(becomes paralyzed for a week)

Becomes ten times stronger after overcoming death

Can turn time back by a month once per year


[trait creator proficiency increases by 8%]

[Heaven's luck proficiency increases by 1%]

Wait, isn't this way too strong?

Oh well.