Cadamni kills.

When Cadamni woke up, his body had fully recovered and he once again became stronger.

He tried remembering what had happened before he passed out but he wasn't able to remember anything.

He stood up and looked at his surroundings.

Everything were his view reached was destroyed, and there was a huge crater that had thd size of a city.

(What happened... That bastard shouldn't be strong enough to do this... Did... I do this?)

Cadamni tried remembering but he still couldn't find the answer.

He felt dizzy.

He started breathing slowly and then decided to not look too deep into that.

There were a lot of different problems he had to think about, like the remaining calamities.

While nothing too serious had happened yet, he was sure that they would cause trouble eventually, so he decided that he should defea- No, kill the remaining Calamities.

He was about to start walking when he noticed a simple sword in the ground.

He picked it up and noticed that it seemed quite tough, and he somehow felt a connection between himself and the sword.

He used destruction aura and then he focused it on the sword.

The sword endured the destruction aura, so Cadamni decided to take it with him.

He decided to look at his traits.


[Trait creator:5/5]:

Creates a limited number of traits


(use created traits to increase proficiency)

[Danger sense]:

Can detect danger


[Language comprehension]

Understand all languages


[Destruction aura]

Can transform mana and other sources of power into an aura that can destroy everything

After reaching 8% proficiency, user is able to partially mitigate the damage the aura does to his body


[Heaven's luck]

Has unhuman luck

Will find the best possible opportunities

Is loved by fate itself

proficiency 2.5%->2.6%

[Inmortal body]

Has unhuman survivability

Has unhuman regeneration

can survive death once every 3 months(becomes paralyzed for a week)

Becomes ten times stronger after overcoming death

Can turn time back by a month once per year


[???????? ????]

amplifies ???

amplifies ???


proficiency: 9%

(Hmm? what's this about) Wondered Cadamni as he saw the new trait marked as ???, but he stopped thinking about it even though he was still curious.

A trait wouldn't be a bad thing, after all.

Cadamni then finally started walking as he recalled the information about the remaining Calamities.

[There are only four remaining, but they aren't sealed so I will need to fight them when I see them... It should be quite easy to beat the first Three... But the last one could be troublesome, even for me.

He recalled the appearance of a being with overwhelming power from his memories, and wondered whether he could beat it or not.

While he wasn't confident, he knew that he would survive regardless of the outcome of the fight.

He then headed to another country.


Inside a fancy mansion filled with gold everywhere, there was a huge throne in which a "boy" was seated.

He was eating some fruits alongside some gold with a bored look in his face, and then he spoke.

[This has such a boring taste...]

When he spoke five maids gathered around him with fear in their eyes, and quickly brought more food to the boy without daring to open their mouths.

The child ate a bit of it but quickly lost interest, and then he turned his eyes towards a maid who lost all color in her face.

[!!-] the maid tried to say something but she was grabbed by the throat before she could speak up.

[HaHaHAHA... I can't get satisfied by such simple taste, I need something better!] Said the child as he looked at the maid while drooling.

He then bit into her face, ripping a piece of it off while the other maids looked in fear.

He continued to bit into the woman's flesh without even a hint of hesitation.

When he finished he had a blank look on his face and then he started muttering while crying.

([No... no... no, no, no, no, NO!!!! THIS ISN'T IT THIS ISN'T ENOUGH I NEED MORE MORE MORE MORE!!!!] he shouted with a crazed glint in eyes, but then he calmed down and muttered softly.

[mom tasted better...] as he put his gaze in other maid.

and then it happened.

An explosion ocurred, blinding everyone in then room, and then the sound of clear steps was heard by all of the inhabitants of the mansion.

And then an average looking man who wore a black set of clothing, a simple looking sword and was surrounded by purple energy entered the room.

He scanned the room until his gaze landed on the boy who was filled with blood on his mouth.

He spoke.

[I thought you'd be bigger, Calamity]

The calamity spoke.

[HeHeHe, I wonder what your meat tastes like, Oh hero]

[I stopped being a hero the moment I killed the ones who summoned me](C)

Cadamni unleashed destruction aura that took the shape of spheres and then spoke once more.

[You're gonna die today, monster]

The calamity tried to attack Cadamni but instead its leg got cut off, it then tried to get close to Cadamni but to no avail.

Cadamni then trew his aura spheres, and the result was devastating.

They disintegrated everything that came in their path without stopping and they all headed towards the Calamity, and when they reached it not even the Calamity was able to defend itself.


When the aura touched it, the Calamity got utterly destroyed. Its skin disappeared instantly and then the aura destroyed the muscles of the Calamity.

The attack continued to burn away and disintegrate the body until there was nothing left of it except for a lifeless husk that looked like rotten meat waste.

Cadamni looked at the corpse while he thought.

(three more to go...)