An Omnipotent Being and Clichés Ch.2

"Well.. that's a first.." muttered the now confused looking light human thing.

Damn I've gone and screwed it up now haven't I? I mean seriously he introduces himself as a supreme god and and I curse him immediately, like how stupid can I be.

"Uh… sorry about that just… you know… I've been here for along time and my mental state has suffered for it"

"Ah it's fine I suppose, just unexpected that's all" Ah a forgiving human of light, that's good. But wait, unexpected? So I guess that rules out omniscience, unless he just isn't using it at the moment. Wait, did I just speak out loud?

"So.. as I was saying what are you doing out here little mortal?"

"Wait I can talk now? Why couldn't I before? And I don't know why I'm here, I just died and poof I was here."

"Yes you can talk and….yeah I got that you died, I'm asking how you got out into the primordial void, logically speaking the $@&%#€¥ Barrier should have stopped you…" there he goes muttering again.

"I'm sorry the what barrier?" Was that maybe the mythical 'to powerful for you puny mortal' censor?

"Ahh don't worry about it, so I'm guessing that you don't know how you got out here either?" He seems strangely insistent about this, am I somewhere forbidden maybe?

"Yeah no, I just popped up here after I died" I wonder if I'm talking a bit to casually to him? Judging by the fact I'm still alive..dead… existing? I guess I'm doing alright.

"Interesting… well then what to do with you then?" Why does he keep muttering like I can't here him? His voice while better then it was still sounds loud.

"I wanted to know that too, because normally in this situation I get reincarnated with some wishes but since this is reality I'm guessing I just get diverted back to my standard afterlife right?" I hope the afterlife is fun at least.

"Hmm? What, no… not at all in fact I was thinking of what kind of Cliché I wanted to use as an excuse to reincarnate you.." He seems embarrassed again, also did he just admit to trying to cliché me?

"Wait really?" No way this is actually going to happen, if I wasn't just a disembodied floating sphere I'd probably have a heart attack of joy. I mean it's reincarnation that's like every weebs dream.

"Yeah well between you, me, and the Void those angels work me to the metaphysical bones you know. I mean it's like they forgot who made them. So I get my lesser subordinates and some of those pesky guys to reincarnate individuals and watch them for entertainment. Also them affecting the omniversal quadrant they end up in makes my work load easier surprisingly." I feel like him acknowledging the Void as a person is a small cause for concern…

"Wow, that's a lot to unpack right there" So other gods do exist and even some he considers pesky…. also omniversal quadrant sounds important. Well stuff to remember I guess.

"Yes well, let's move on to the rest of this rather cliché interaction" He called it cliché again, it may not be much for him but this is my second chance at life and I'd like him to treat it seriously.

"Oi, just cause it is rather cliché doesn't mean you have to acknowledge it" This is rather disappointing for a ROB interaction to be honest. I was hoping for a wise god instead I got the shameless and non-serious type.

"Yes well you know how this goes based off of your memories. Some forewarning however, I already decided on your world so you just have to suck it up, as for world type its swords and magic. So you get 4 wishes that I may nerf depending on what you ask for and a customizable appearance but that's at the end. And yes you get to keep your memories."

So this is it, the wishes, the make it or break it for every MC ever to get isekai'd. I spent a lot of time thinking about this on earth about what would be best for survival, about what would be best for power and all sorts of things. My time in the Void seems to have affected me more then I thought however, cause this plan is truly crazy. This isn't super OP, it's not the best for my survival or growth, but it's something I've wanted to do since I was introduced to fantasy. An AoE mage, a mage entirely focused on wide area spells and tactical class magic. Well I suppose YOL— wait but I'm about to live twice…YOLT? That sounds awful, I'll work on that, anyway here we go.

"So for my first wish I'd like to have 1 in a million talent in all types and forms of magic from every magic source and universe there is, this includes energy capacity, spell development and creation talent and all the other mage skills."

"Ok done" Good he didn't nerf it.

"For my second wish I want a growth weapon that will be with me from birth, I want a magic staff that transforms into a sword that boosts energy recovery rate by 100%, decreases spell cost by 100%, boosts casting time for spells to instant, and allows me to cast ritual and group type spells by myself, naturally this is just the base and it can grow past this." This is probably gonna get nerfed.

"Hmm, nerf it a little bit and try again" Called it.

"Fine, you can choose the weapon type so long as it works as both melee and a casting focus, the buffs can start off at 1% and grow over time, but the ritual cast buff acts as normal?" Come on, please be enough.

"Yeah that works" Yes! Growth weapon acquired, I refuse to go around buying better weapons every other month.

"Third I'd like a grimoire that slowly assimilates all of what ever universe I'm ins magic spells into itself and allows all recorded spells to be cast 100% faster and cost 100% less energy this scales with the amount of spells recorded with each multiple of ten increasing it." This will probably get nerfed as well, what to change though?

"I'll meet you halfway, it will assimilate the information about any spells written down somewhere, and the buffs will start at 1% like with your weapon" Honestly could have been worse, this is an acceptable outcome for me.

"Ok, and finally my fourth wish is a supporting system. This one is a little hard to explain so can you just read my memories?"

"Sure, oh that's an Interesting concept, you get a lot of benefits without me needing to nerf it in someway, I'm even going to allow the immune to your own skills ability, mainly because it's interesting so don't try and trick me again." Well I got caught but he accepted it anyway. And thank god? Him? For that cause that's a key skill for this class to work.

It's good that he accepted it. I need this to tie everything together. You see this system is a bit special, what it does is allow skills to never deteriorate meaning even without practice I'll keep my skill level. Of course it also boosts my training speed and comprehension a lot allowing me to learn faster. Then arguably the most important part of this system; cross multiversal energy compatibility allowing my energy pool to work for everything. Another important piece is the skill [Gamers Mind] that will keep me safe as well as relatively sane when dealing with dark magics, and those related to souls and minds. And finally the ability to choose my development gain from the energy of my victims aka stat distribution and XP.

"Ok and finally time for your appearance in your new life" Finally almost time to start my new life.

"I want to look like Kakashi Hatake" No hesitation there he always was my favorite character in terms of appearance.

"You really are a weeb huh, probably gonna get the same half mask and everything when you can, you might even create an eye skill just for a reason to cover your eye, eighth grade syndrome is high with you young one." I was just called a weeb with eight grade syndrome by a ROB I'm never gonna live this down.

"No I won't!" I definitely will but it's still embarrassing to be seen through that fast, I guess he's a god though so it's understandable.

"Alrighty then, enjoy your new life as my entertainment kid." I didn't even know that a humanoid light could smirk but here it is.

"Huh? Ok… sure" Calling me entertainment is rather ominous, and despite it being true I don't appreciate the sentiment.

"Oh by the way I did you a solid and got you a good name" The light form shined ever so slightly brighter "Not that you'll get to use it"

"Wait wha—?" And I blacked out.