

While writing this story my grandma died. So I reconsidered the story and realised that the character was not reacting realistically to death. I apologise if this story ends up being too much about death at some points, please tolerate some of it since most of the story (I hope) isn't about death... probably.

To those wondering I am fine. Though this story has themes of suicide I myself am not suicidal. I am just very aware of my own mortality.

If updates are slow it's because i can't help but reread over a draft 50 times before uploading it and even then I realise that I have still made mistakes, but fuck it. If I keep rereading the samething I'll never upload it and go insane so I might as well let loose.

I may set up a pa treon for those interested in reading my initial drafts, though I'm constantly changing and reshuffling the story so what you read there may never actually happen in the official story.

My only goal is to write as much as possible.