The Day Before

After a whole day of preparation, they finished organizing the shop to be opened on Monday,

"Finally!" Leo let out a big sigh of relief as he sat on the couch,

Amarié and Shane sat beside her, Leo stretches both his arms at the top of the couch,

The two snugged in Leo arms, both of them sighed as they get comfortable, "Finally Rest" both of them exhaled.

After a few minutes, Leo's breaths becomes deep, Shane looked at him and he was already asleep,

Shane whispered, "How are we supposed to move him?", Amy just raised her shoulders showing she doesn't know,

Shane and Amy stood up and laid Leo down on the couch, Amarié took out a blanket from their room and tucked Leo on the couch,

"So wanna sleep on Leo's bed?" Amy asked Shane,

"Can I?" Shane sounds excited, Amy nodded happily and pulled her to Leo's room,

As they entered the room, Leo's manly smell covers the atmosphere,

"Why is this room so dark?" Shane pointed out looking for the light switch, Amy opens the lights but it was still dimmed,

"Girl it is still dark" Shane softly laugh before jumping to the bed,

"W-waitt!" Amy yelled, "W-why?" Shane suddenly got confused,

"I haven't-" she stopped as she saw the new clean sheets, "Nevermind" she added after seeing the state of the bed.

Amarié goes straight to the bathroom to shower, while Shane rest on the bed waiting for her to finish,

After a while Amarié came out just wearing a robe, "The shower are yours" she gestures her hand in a graceful way,

"Uhmm Can I also borrow one of that?" she points at Amy's robe,

Amy smiled and takes off the robe, "Here you go" she before throwing the robe at Shane,

She blushed and covered her eyes, "Get dressed y-your gonna get cold" she said with the robe altering her speech,

Amarié let out a loud laugh, "Yeah Yeah" she said before grabbing the robe again and putting it on, Shane grabs the grey robe by the door,

"Can I use this?" she asked Amy, "Yeah" she answered smiling,

Shane rushed to the bathroom not knowing that she's about to use Leo's robe, she bathed while humming,

After a few minutes, she came out wearing just the grey robe, highlighting the roundness of her chest and as she ties the belt of the robe her figure shows an hour glass like shape,

Amarié was stunned, she stared at Shane with such admiration,

"Damn girl, you almost made me drool over you" Amy complimented her,

"S-shut up, its embarrassing" Shane's shy voice said,

Amarié softly giggled, "Come here, let me dry your hair" she said gesturing her hands for Shane to come closer,

Shane goes to Amy and sat, turning her back at her. Amy fires up the hair dryer and started drying Shane's hair.

As she does, she noticed the necklace dangling between Shane's breast, "Uhmm don't mind me asking, but where did that beautiful necklace came from?" she asked curiously,

Shane genuinely smile, "It was a gift from the guy who saved me" those were her words,

Amy felt the joy Shane was emitting, "This man sure is kind" she said in calm tone,

The two felt asleep together wearing just robe on Leo's bed,

Morning came and it was Sunday a day before the opening,

The two girls woke up early, they get dressed and came out of the room,

To their surprise, Leo was still awake and was still on the couch,

Amy pounced on top of Leo, but Leo just grunted and didn't reacted much,

She took a closer look at Leo and he was pale and his hands were shaking,

"Leo, hey are you okay?" she said as she puts her hands on his forehead,

"Fuck, your hot as hell" she exclaimed as she felt his forehead,

Amarié yelled to call Shane, "Hey Shannon, Come here quick" she shouted with worry in her voice,

Shane rushed to the living room and saw Leo shivering, "What happened?"she was worried,

"He has high fever" Amy said trying to lift Leo to stand up, Shane rushed to help and supported one of Leo's shoulder,

The two helped Leo to reach his room, they laid him down on the bed and immediately took his temperature,

"You stay here and clean him up, I'm gonna cook and find some medicine he can drink" Amy ordered before rushing outside the room,

Shane nodded and headed to the bathroom to get a face towel and a basin with cold water, she sat beside Leo,

"Why do you have to get sick the day before the opening?" she said nagging with worry in her voice at the same time, Leo just whimpers.

She started by undressing Leo, she wiped starting from his head then to his neck, she suddenly stopped when she was about to clean his chest, "uhmm, you don't mind do you" she asked the half asleep Leo,

He didn't answer, so Shane just proceeded on cleaning him while blushing,

She was about to go downward but her embarrassment grew larger, "Y-you can clean down there right?" she asked hiding her face,

Leo slightly smiled, "I don't think I can" he said joking, Shane was about to take off her boxers when Amy suddenly came in,

"What the-- Leo!" she rushed giving Leo a light smack at the back of the head,

"You can do that yourself" Amy softly yelled at Leo,

Leo softly chuckled before gesturing his hands for the girls to go out for a while,

The two went out and let Leo changed and his clothes.

Leo felt happiness in his heart as he gets taken care of the two, after changing he laid down and softly shouted, "I'm done"

The two instantly go inside, this time Amarié was carrying a tray with a bowl of chicken porridge while Shane have a glass and some medicines in her hands.

"Eat up", Amy ordered him, "You need to recover fast, tomorrow's the opening of the shop" Shane added.

Leo shrugged like a baby, the two sighed and softly smiled at each other,

The two gave in and fed Leo that is acting like a kid, after a while Leo finished up eating and he already drank his medicine.

The two sat on the bed as Leo tries to fall asleep, they tuck him in bed and as soon as he fell asleep they go down and starts on the preparation of the shop.

As they go down the stairs, "I guess the opening is in our hands" Amarié stated, "Yeah, it's very unfortunate that Leo got sick the day before the opening, he's very excited about this" Shane replied.

"We can do this" Amarié said enthusiastically, Shane nodded with her game face on.