Thirty Five- Home is where the heart is

"Man, I am spent." Amir crashed onto the bare floor like he had just wheeled tons and tons of timber.

"You hardly touched five clothes man."

His head raised a bit in Gabriel's direction, Amir said, "I know you don't like me, but don't make me seem that lazy. Chloe?"

"Yeah?" She took a seat next to Gabriel, her hair falling to the side.

"How on earth do you do your job? How do you not crash every day? Man, you are trying."

She shrugged, a small smile on her lips. "I just do it. Besides, this wasn't that much of a stress compared to when Lucille and I arranged this entire room."

Sighing almost pitifully, yet tiredly, he said, "We don't pay you enough."

Chloe's mind went to her untouched bank account which would be swimming in cash after what?- almost five weeks of working in their house? Was it even five? Time had flown past and she had no idea what form the flight took.