Sixty Three- Raining Bullets

Chloe didn't intend to, but she immediately started to laugh after Nathaniel made his suggestion in a very steamy way. Taking a step back, the man wore a very confused look as her chuckle became harder as seconds flew.

"Uh... Chloe?" She bent, her hands on her knees for support as her laughter filled the air some more. "Are you okay?"

Chloe gave a small nod in between the now intensified laughter which was now making her back hurt a bit. Nathaniel gave a short, cautious chuckle before he asked, "Did you hit your head earlier?"

She shook her head.

"Then what is funny?" Standing straight as she already had the outburst under control, though her lips still wore a grin, Chloe reached for Nathaniel's arms and wrapped them around her waist. Still looking curious and a bit worried, he asked, " Are you fine?"

"Yeah, I am."

"But you randomly started laughing. Do you need to get your head checked?"