Chapter 11


"I know. I know. Thank you Cleo... Gosh! I'm so happy right now, I could kiss you."

"You don't mean that."

"No, I do. I could really kiss you right now," he said again.

My jaw dropped and then I watched as he placed his lips on mine.

Despite the fact that everything in me wanted to push Andre away and hit him, I didn't. Instead I stood there, still in shock as he worked his tongue through my mouth expertly, pulling me even closer to him.

I knew it wasn't right neither was it meant to be but at that moment with Andre, nothing mattered anymore until–

"Cleo! Cleo!! Cleo!!!" Andre yelled all of a sudden, bringing me back to reality.

"Wait, what? What just happened?" I asked, staring at Andre, unable to get over the fact that the kiss wasn't real.

"Um we just saved me from an arranged marriage to a crazy b*tch and we were just about to celebrate."

"What were your last words before I zoned out?"

"Uh I'm so happy right now, I could hug you?"
